Etheruby: Ethereum smart-contract describer for Ruby

Hello everyone,

I've been working since this morning on a way to execute a smart
contract from a Ruby on Rails application. First, I was doing it
manually trough the JSON-RPC API, and it was not easy to do. After a
while, I started to work on a better way to work with smart-contracts
through ruby. After all, Ruby is a very efficient language when it comes
to create an API, with all the meta-programming stuff. I wanted to make
something as easy as ActiveRecord can be when it comes to describe
databases relations.

After a first draft, I ended up wanting something like that :

    class Citizen < Etheruby::Contract
      # Contract address on the blockchain
      at_address 0x57eb1e64d972d9937c6f6f07a865e91608252c97
      # ABI Definition
      method :greet
      method :multiple do
        parameters :int256, :int256
        returns :int256
        value 1
        gas 100
        gas_price 10000

That could be called with :

    result = Citizen.multiple(4,5)

And for now, I'm able to get this :

    irb(main):001:0> Citizen.greet
    Data to send : 0xcfae3217
    irb(main):001:0> Citizen.multiple(4,5)
    Data to send :

Which is not a big thing, but it is a start point !

I've just pushed on github the begining of my work :

If some ethereum-enthusiast rubyists want to contribute to this project,
you're welcome, there is still a lot of work to do !