Vienna.rb Talks Notes - Contracts, Contracts, Contracts - Code Your Own (Crypto Blockchain) Contracts w/ Ruby (sruby), Universum & Co


   World premiere! The world's first official (secure) ruby talk happened at
  the Vienna Ruby (Crypto) meetup tonight. The talk agenda / notes read:

  - What's a (Smart) Contract?
    - Code is Law?
  - Contract-Oriented Programming Languages
    - Genesis - Bitcoin Script
      - Ivy - Higher-Level Bitcoin Script
      - History Corner - Bitcoin - The World's Worst Database for
Everything? - Bitcoin Maximalism in Action
    - Turing Complete and the Halting Problem
      - Fees, Fees, Fees - $$$ - There's No Free Lunch
    - What's the World's Most Popular Programming Language? Python? JavaScript?
      - Solidity - JavaScript-like Contract-Oriented Programming
Language with (Static) Types
      - Vyper - Python-like Contract-Oriented Programming Language
with (Static) Types - Python 3-Compatible Syntax
    - Why Not Just Ruby?
      - Small, Smart, Secure, Safe, Solid & Sound (S6) Ruby - Yes,
It's Just Ruby
  - 10 Contracts - Contracts by Example
    - Hello, World! - Greeter
    - Piggy Bank
    - Simple Storage
    - Simple Ponzi - King of Ether
    - Ballot - Liquid / Delegative Democracy - Let's Vote
    - Roll the (Satoshi) Dice - Win x65 000 (Casino Gambling)
    - Tic-Tac-Toe
    - Kick Start Your Project with a Crowd Funder
    - PonzICO - Blockchain Performance Art
    - Powerball Mega Millions Lottery
  - Networks, Networks, Networks - Running the Contract Code
    - Hello, World! - Greeter - Running on the Private (Local) Test Network
    - Simple Ponzi - Running on the Private (Local) Test Network
  - New to (Secure) Ruby Contract Programming / Scripting?

     Find the complete talk notes @

    Happy (secure) coding with ruby. Cheers. Prost.