Embedding Ruby (again)

Here I go again with some (idiotic) embedding questions (yeah, I’ve read

README.EXT and I’ve scanned through the mailing list for similar
topics). First of all, I’m getting pretty cool with extending Ruby with

C (not by using SWIG, but by doing all by hand). Now, say I’ve written
some C code which extends Ruby with class Test. Now, say I embedd Ruby
in my app. Would I be able to create some objects in Ruby (the embedded

one) of type Test? How can that be done? For example, in order to create

an array, you would write something like:
VALUE array = rb_ary_new();
Now, how can I do that for the class I’ve just exported into Ruby?
Hope I made myself clear.

P.S. Now, this might be really IDIOTIC, but why do I get “undefined
reference” errors when I try to links against libruby? I’m using gcc
2.95.3 and glibc 2.2.1. I’m using something like gcc -o test
-I/usr/lib/i386-linux -L/usr/lib/i386-linux -lruby main.c

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one) of type Test? How can that be done? For example, in order to create

an array, you would write something like:
VALUE array = rb_ary_new();
Now, how can I do that for the class I've just exported into Ruby?

Well, in ruby you just write (if your class is in test.rb)

    require "test"
    a = Test.new

now in C this give

    tt_cTest = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Test"));
    a = rb_funcall2(tt_cTest, rb_intern("new"), 0, 0);

P.S. Now, this might be really IDIOTIC, but why do I get "undefined
reference" errors when I try to links against libruby? I'm using gcc
2.95.3 and glibc 2.2.1. I'm using something like gcc -o test
-I/usr/lib/i386-linux -L/usr/lib/i386-linux -lruby main.c

Look at [ruby-talk:36676] to find the flags


Guy Decoux