Hi ruby fellows
I am working on a tutorial on how to embed ruby into c++.
ruby embedded into c++
This document is still in a very early stage.
I would like to hear your opinions about it?
Do you have any experience with embedding and want to share
some ideas?
I do not have ideas but comments only
I like your work, keep it up. Your
diagrams remind me of RStevens’ illustrated series. Keep up the good work.
This could help ruby a lot.
Simon Strandgaard
kind regards -botp
Simon Strandgaard [mailto:0bz63fz3m1qt3001@sneakemail.com] wrote:
Thanks alot 
Was there any places which was totaly non-intuitive, where you stopped and
thought what is this about?
Is there any important things missing?
Have you looked at <main.cpp /> ?
I am experimenting with implementing the class in SWIG.
I will write a more advanced section on this topic later.
The way initialization of Redirect::RubyInit() is using a class-variable
named <global_view />. This is a dirty trick… I do not if there is
other ways to do it? or if this is the “right way ™” ?
On Tue, 01 Apr 2003 20:54:12 +0900, Peña, Botp wrote:
Simon Strandgaard [mailto:0bz63fz3m1qt3001@sneakemail.com] wrote:
Hi ruby fellows
I am working on a tutorial on how to embed ruby into c++.
ruby embedded into c++
This document is still in a very early stage.
I would like to hear your opinions about it?
Do you have any experience with embedding and want to share
some ideas?
I do not have ideas but comments only
I like your work, keep it up. Your
diagrams remind me of RStevens’ illustrated series. Keep up the good work.
This could help ruby a lot.
kind regards -botp
Simon Strandgaard
I have never read any of Richard W. Stevens material. Is any of his
networking books online?