Embedded Ruby Question

Hi all,

I want to embed Ruby in my C++ application. I'd like to read one or more Ruby scripts stored in my RDBMS, pass the Ruby script as a string (not a file name) to the interpreter, and have it execute the code. Is this possible? If so, is there a URL that describes how to do this or shows an example?




Brian E Campbell

There's a good section on embedding Ruby in the Pickaxe 2. You have to
be extremely careful with some aspects of it, especially if you use
threads (the Ruby interpreter is not currently thread safe).

Brian Campbell wrote:


Hi all,

I want to embed Ruby in my C++ application. I'd like to read one or more
Ruby scripts stored in my RDBMS, pass the Ruby script as a string (not a
file name) to the interpreter, and have it execute the code. Is this
possible? If so, is there a URL that describes how to do this or shows an



Brian E Campbell

Brian Campbell wrote:

I want to embed Ruby in my C++ application.

Here is some sample code I'd come up with (for 1.8.2, I think). You
may need to tweak it a bit.

-- Timothy

// r_in_c.cpp : Sample program for embedding Ruby in C.

//#include "stdafx.h"
#include <tchar.h>
#include "stdio.h"
#include <string>

#pragma warning(disable: 4312)

#include "ruby.h"
//#include "st.h"

void print_ruby_value(int v, int indent, const char* str)
    VALUE val = (VALUE)(v);
    int type = TYPE(v);
#if 1
    switch (type) {
    case T_FIXNUM:
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> fixnum, value = %d\n", indent, "", str,
    case T_NIL:
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> nil\n", indent, "", str);
    case T_FALSE:
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> false\n", indent, "", str);
    case T_TRUE:
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> true\n", indent, "", str);
    case T_UNDEF:
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> undef\n", indent, "", str);
    case T_SYMBOL:
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> symbol (%d)\n", indent, "", str,
    case T_STRING:
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> string `%*s`\n", indent, "", str,
            RSTRING(v)->len, RSTRING(v)->ptr);
    case T_FLOAT:
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> float `%f`\n", indent, "", str,
    case T_BIGNUM:
        VALUE s = rb_String(val);
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> bignum `%*s`\n", indent, "", str,
            RSTRING(s)->len, RSTRING(s)->ptr);
    case T_REGEXP:
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> regexp `%*s`\n", indent, "", str,
            RREGEXP(v)->len, RREGEXP(v)->str);
    case T_ARRAY:
        char buffer[20];
        long len = RARRAY(v)->len;
        VALUE* ptr = RARRAY(v)->ptr;
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> array (%d):\n", indent, "", str, len);
        for (long i = 0; i < RARRAY(v)->len; ++i)
            sprintf(buffer, "a[%d]", i);
            print_ruby_value(ptr[i], indent+4, "default value");
    case T_HASH:
        RHash* h = RHASH(v);
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> hash (iter_lev %d):\n", indent, "", str,
        print_ruby_value(h->ifnone, indent+4, "not found value");

        struct st_table *tbl = h->tbl;;
        printf("%*sbins = %d, entries = %d\n", indent+4, "",
tbl->num_bins, tbl->num_entries);
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> class %d\n", indent, "", str, type);
    switch (type) {
    case T_NIL:
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> nil\n", indent, "", str);
    case T_ARRAY:
        val = rb_ary_join(val, rb_str_new2(", "));
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> type(%d) `[%*s]`\n", indent, "", str, type,
            RSTRING(val)->len, RSTRING(val)->ptr);
    case T_REGEXP:
        val = rb_String(val);
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> type(%d) `/%*s/`\n", indent, "", str, type,
            RSTRING(val)->len, RSTRING(val)->ptr);
        val = rb_String(val);
        printf("%*s`%s` ==> type(%d) `%*s`\n", indent, "", str, type,
            RSTRING(val)->len, RSTRING(val)->ptr);

    if (indent == 0) {

// Returns output of command as a string
// see rb_f_backquote() in io.c
// needs to set exit code of command into rb_last_status
static VALUE m_backquote(VALUE self, VALUE commandVal)
    VALUE arr = Qnil;
    char* commandStr = StringValueCStr(commandVal);

    if (commandStr) {

        printf("Executing backquote command on `%s`\n", commandStr);

        // This should be the captured output of the command.
        // I'll just reverse the string as the command value, here.
        size_t len = strlen(commandStr);
        std::string ss(len, ' ');
        for (size_t i = 0, j = len - 1; i < len; ++i, --j) {
            ss[i] = commandStr[j];

        arr = rb_str_new2(ss.c_str());
    else {
        printf("Error: cannot execute object\n");

    return arr;

// Executes _cmd_ in a subshell, returning true (Qtrue) if the command
// was found and ran successfully, false (Qfalse) otherwise.
// passed in elements may be arrays - may want to flatten and then
// join with " "s between.
// See rb_f_system() in process.c
// needs to set exit code of command into rb_last_status
static VALUE m_system(int argc, VALUE *argv)
    printf("Called Kernel#system on:\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
        VALUE s = rb_String(argv[i]);
        printf(" %2d. `%*s`\n", i, RSTRING(s)->len, RSTRING(s)->ptr);

    return Qtrue;

// Might want to have separate functions for stdout and stderr, so they
// can be separated...
static VALUE m_write_stdout(VALUE self, VALUE input)
    if (TYPE(input) == T_STRING) {
        printf("We have captured (stdout): \"%*s\"\n",
            RSTRING(input)->len, RSTRING(input)->ptr);
        // Return the number of bytes written
    else {
        printf("Error: cannot write object to stdout\n");
        return Qnil;
static VALUE m_write_stderr(VALUE self, VALUE input)
    // Need to use rb_string_value if it can contain embedded nuls.
    char * got = StringValueCStr(input);
    printf("We have captured (stderr): \"%s\"\n", got);
    // Return the number of bytes written
    return rb_fix_new(strlen(got)*sizeof(got[0]));

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv)
    NtInitialize(&argc, &argv);


    rb_define_global_function("`", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(m_backquote), 1);
    rb_define_global_function("system", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(m_system),

    rb_define_singleton_method(rb_stdout, "write",
RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(m_write_stdout), 1);
    rb_define_singleton_method(rb_stderr, "write",
RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(m_write_stderr), 1);

    char* eval_strings = {
        "'hello there'",
        "x = 123_456",
        "x * x",
        "\"#{x * x}\"",
        "[1, 'two', 3.0]",
           "`dir c:\\\\windows`",
        "h = { 'dog' => 'canine', 'cat' => 'feline', 'donkey' =>
'asinine' } ",
        "h['cow'] = 'bovine' ",
        "h[12] = 'dodecine' ",
        "h['cat'] = 99 ",
        "puts 'this is a test'",
        "$stderr.puts 'writing to stderr'",
        "system('TITLE', '4NT/Ruby')",
        "system('DELAY 3 & TITLE Changed window title from Ruby')",

    const int eval_strings_len = sizeof(eval_strings) /

    int status = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < eval_strings_len; ++i) {
        status = rb_eval_string(eval_strings[i]);
        print_ruby_value(status, 0, eval_strings[i]);


    return 0;

Hi Timothy,

Thanks for the reply!

Yes, I have the Pickaxe 2. Unfortunately, it doesn't describe/document, what I need to do. It describes how to embed the interpreter, call/execute Ruby from an existing file, extend Ruby via C/C++, but it does not describe how to pass a string that is Ruby code from C++ to the interpreter and have it execute. That's what I need.




Brian E Campbell

From: "Timothy Goddard" <interfecus@gmail.com>
Reply-To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Subject: Re: Embedded Ruby Question
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 09:50:10 +0900

There's a good section on embedding Ruby in the Pickaxe 2. You have to
be extremely careful with some aspects of it, especially if you use
threads (the Ruby interpreter is not currently thread safe).

Brian Campbell wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to embed Ruby in my C++ application. I'd like to read one or more
> Ruby scripts stored in my RDBMS, pass the Ruby script as a string (not a
> file name) to the interpreter, and have it execute the code. Is this
> possible? If so, is there a URL that describes how to do this or shows an
> example?
> Thanks!
> -Brian
> --------------------
> Brian E Campbell
> becampbel@hotmail.com

As a matter of fact, ruby's interpreter accepts the switch '-e' to
execute any string following it as ruby source code.

for instance, when you entered as following,
  ruby -e "puts 5"
the console would output 5.

you may execute such shell command in C/C++.
may it be of help.

Brian Campbell wrote:


Hi Timothy,

Thanks for the reply!

Yes, I have the Pickaxe 2. Unfortunately, it doesn't describe/document,
what I need to do. It describes how to embed the interpreter, call/execute
Ruby from an existing file, extend Ruby via C/C++, but it does not describe
how to pass a string that is Ruby code from C++ to the interpreter and have
it execute. That's what I need.



Brian E Campbell

>From: "Timothy Goddard" <interfecus@gmail.com>
>Reply-To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
>To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
>Subject: Re: Embedded Ruby Question
>Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 09:50:10 +0900
>There's a good section on embedding Ruby in the Pickaxe 2. You have to
>be extremely careful with some aspects of it, especially if you use
>threads (the Ruby interpreter is not currently thread safe).
>Brian Campbell wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I want to embed Ruby in my C++ application. I'd like to read one or
> > Ruby scripts stored in my RDBMS, pass the Ruby script as a string (not a
> > file name) to the interpreter, and have it execute the code. Is this
> > possible? If so, is there a URL that describes how to do this or shows
> > example?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > -Brian
> >
> > --------------------
> > Brian E Campbell
> > becampbel@hotmail.com

As a matter of fact, ruby's interpreter accepts the switch '-e' to
execute any string following it as ruby source code.

for instance, when you entered as following,
  ruby -e "puts 5"
the console would output 5.

you may execute such shell command in C/C++.
may it be of help.

Brian Campbell wrote:


Hi Timothy,

Thanks for the reply!

Yes, I have the Pickaxe 2. Unfortunately, it doesn't describe/document,
what I need to do. It describes how to embed the interpreter, call/execute
Ruby from an existing file, extend Ruby via C/C++, but it does not describe
how to pass a string that is Ruby code from C++ to the interpreter and have
it execute. That's what I need.



Brian E Campbell

>From: "Timothy Goddard" <interfecus@gmail.com>
>Reply-To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
>To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
>Subject: Re: Embedded Ruby Question
>Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 09:50:10 +0900
>There's a good section on embedding Ruby in the Pickaxe 2. You have to
>be extremely careful with some aspects of it, especially if you use
>threads (the Ruby interpreter is not currently thread safe).
>Brian Campbell wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I want to embed Ruby in my C++ application. I'd like to read one or
> > Ruby scripts stored in my RDBMS, pass the Ruby script as a string (not a
> > file name) to the interpreter, and have it execute the code. Is this
> > possible? If so, is there a URL that describes how to do this or shows
> > example?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > -Brian
> >
> > --------------------
> > Brian E Campbell
> > becampbel@hotmail.com

Hi Timothy,

Thanks for the reply!

Yes, I have the Pickaxe 2. Unfortunately, it doesn't describe/document, what I need to do. It describes how to embed the interpreter, call/execute Ruby from an existing file, extend Ruby via C/C++, but it does not describe how to pass a string that is Ruby code from C++ to the interpreter and have it execute. That's what I need.


One of the best sources of documentation for C extensions is README.EXT in the source distribution. Here is the relevant section for what you want to do:

2.2.1 Evaluate Ruby Programs in a String

The easiest way to use Ruby's functionality from a C program is to
evaluate the string as Ruby program. This function will do the job.

   VALUE rb_eval_string(const char *str)

Evaluation is done under the current context, thus current local variables
of the innermost method (which is defined by Ruby) can be accessed.


On Aug 1, 2006, at 9:28 PM, Brian Campbell wrote:


Brian E Campbell

From: "Timothy Goddard" <interfecus@gmail.com>
Reply-To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Subject: Re: Embedded Ruby Question
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 09:50:10 +0900

There's a good section on embedding Ruby in the Pickaxe 2. You have to
be extremely careful with some aspects of it, especially if you use
threads (the Ruby interpreter is not currently thread safe).

Brian Campbell wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to embed Ruby in my C++ application. I'd like to read one or more
> Ruby scripts stored in my RDBMS, pass the Ruby script as a string (not a
> file name) to the interpreter, and have it execute the code. Is this
> possible? If so, is there a URL that describes how to do this or shows an
> example?
> Thanks!
> -Brian
> --------------------
> Brian E Campbell
> becampbel@hotmail.com


Excellent! This is exactly what I'm after. Thanks!



Brian E Campbell

From: Logan Capaldo <logancapaldo@gmail.com>
Reply-To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Subject: Re: Embedded Ruby Question
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 12:55:46 +0900

On Aug 1, 2006, at 9:28 PM, Brian Campbell wrote:

Hi Timothy,

Thanks for the reply!

Yes, I have the Pickaxe 2. Unfortunately, it doesn't describe/ document, what I need to do. It describes how to embed the interpreter, call/execute Ruby from an existing file, extend Ruby via C/C++, but it does not describe how to pass a string that is Ruby code from C++ to the interpreter and have it execute. That's what I need.


One of the best sources of documentation for C extensions is README.EXT in the source distribution. Here is the relevant section for what you want to do:

2.2.1 Evaluate Ruby Programs in a String

The easiest way to use Ruby's functionality from a C program is to
evaluate the string as Ruby program. This function will do the job.

  VALUE rb_eval_string(const char *str)

Evaluation is done under the current context, thus current local variables
of the innermost method (which is defined by Ruby) can be accessed.


Brian E Campbell

From: "Timothy Goddard" <interfecus@gmail.com>
Reply-To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Subject: Re: Embedded Ruby Question
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 09:50:10 +0900

There's a good section on embedding Ruby in the Pickaxe 2. You have to
be extremely careful with some aspects of it, especially if you use
threads (the Ruby interpreter is not currently thread safe).

Brian Campbell wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to embed Ruby in my C++ application. I'd like to read one or more
> Ruby scripts stored in my RDBMS, pass the Ruby script as a string (not a
> file name) to the interpreter, and have it execute the code. Is this
> possible? If so, is there a URL that describes how to do this or shows an
> example?
> Thanks!
> -Brian
> --------------------
> Brian E Campbell
> becampbel@hotmail.com


At Wed, 2 Aug 2006 12:55:46 +0900,
Logan Capaldo wrote in [ruby-talk:205673]:

   VALUE rb_eval_string(const char *str)

It's not exception safe. Use rb_eval_string_protect() for
embedded use.


Nobu Nakada