Ebay searching

Are there any Ruby libraries out there that will search ebay?


Joe Van Dyk wrote:

Are there any Ruby libraries out there that will search ebay?

Not that I've heard of... but it does sound like a cool idea.

Why don't you write one? :wink:


Joe Van Dyk wrote:

Are there any Ruby libraries out there that will search ebay?


I had something that could parse out the price history given an id number. But I didn't have anything to actually search overall.

Charles Comstock

Ebay has web services that I've written libraries for...

I could share my code, never bothered to package it and all that.

You get something like 50 free searches a day with the "personal" developers license, for testing I guess...



----- Original Message ----- From: "Joe Van Dyk" <joevandyk@gmail.com>
To: "ruby-talk ML" <ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 10:46 PM
Subject: ebay searching

Are there any Ruby libraries out there that will search ebay?


Ebay does offer an API for seaching and buying and whatnot, but it
costs money to do anything with it. :frowning:

Is screen scraping illegal nowadays?


On Mar 31, 2005 10:00 PM, Hal Fulton <hal9000@hypermetrics.com> wrote:

Joe Van Dyk wrote:
> Are there any Ruby libraries out there that will search ebay?

Not that I've heard of... but it does sound like a cool idea.

Why don't you write one? :wink: