Hi All,
I created few (array's method related) questions in ruby. But I am not
clear about one question. Here is the question ..
Question 7
@b= @a[2].display.to_i + @a[3].display.to_i
puts @b gives,
a) Error b) 58 c) 5620 d) 562
This is the question. In my view,
MY Solution 1:
@a[2].display.to_i => 56.display gives 56.to_i => 56
@a[3].display.to_i => 2.diaply gives 2.to_i => 2
@b= 56 + 2
@b must come as 58
MY Solution 2:
56.display -> displays 56 -> Here .to_i will not work
So my answers is,
@b= 562
But the result came as 5620 . how it works ?
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