Hi list
this is the trial to sum up all the ideas that have been exchanged
sofar on the subject.
I will try to be as objective as possible but if somebody feels
misinterpreted speak up of course!!
It has two purposes, first inform people interested before the might
join a chatting session we would like to organize this Saturday, but
we have timing problems.
And secondly to have a starting point for the project, so please folks
reply to this post if you disagree with one of the points of it or if
you think we missed something very important for the start but please
start a separate thread for all potential future enhancements. Thx in
We had such ideas already (sponsorship e.g.) but we all decided to
start with the necessary and as simply as possible.
First of all a list of people who seem interested to be part of this
project we have baptized "RubyQuiz 2" so far.
I am trying to be very carefully with addresses in doubt please search
the archives and look at the details of the mail, but Spammers' lifes
are too easy already
There is
C = ".com"
G = 64.chr << "gmail" << C
* Mattew Moss [@name,@surname].map(&:downcase).join(".") << G
I will call him "Matt"
* Thomas Wieczorek [@surname[0,6].downcase << ".yo" << 64.chr <<
"google" << "mail" << C
I will call him "Thom"
* John Joyce %w{danger willrobinson danger}.join << G
I will call him "John"
* Ari Brown "fezdor" << G and I will call him "Ari"
* YHS address is easily seen in this post and I will call him "Rob"
Furthermore James is so kind to participate in our exchanges and
provided plenty of info and hints I will call him "James"
======================== START ========================
Ok where are we:
Actually things look pretty well:
* Matt is willing and motivated to play the role of the "Quizmaster"
that is selecting quizzes, presenting them and writing summaries.
* John & Thom seem quite motivated and capable to come up with a
functional site design quite easily and quickly.
Let me try to give some key statements:
Matt: I need help with the uploading stuff and cannot take care of the site.
James: Some things which were often requested or wanted by himself, I
just copy & paste here:
* A link on the front page to the current quiz and some status
information about where that quiz is currently at: no-spoiler period,
submissions accepted, or complete.
* The ability to rate the difficultly of the quizzes. I would
probably just let site visitor vote and average their opinions.
* A decent search. It would be terrific if you could hunt for
solutions by a certain regular, algorithm names, or even a specific
line of code (like a require line).
James: Do not reinvent the wheel use Markdown
Thom: Expressed a very practical approach for site design like *not* using Ruby.
Matt: Concurred with Thom on this.
James & Rob: Think that this is all about Ruby and unless there is no
other choice we should use Ruby for the site.
Matt: Expressed his opinion that we need a site (as simple and static
as it might be to get going) because getting going was
most important .
Rob: Agreed, Ruby Quiz should go on "naturally"
Matt: I have some Ruby Quiz ideas in backhand.
Rob: That is great but in the long run they should be provided by the
community again, but right now that might be a lifesaver.
Thom talked about I18N
James suggest rebuilding the site with something like Webby
Both exchanged first ideas about categorization, tagging or searching.
Ari suggested Ramasslog
Then there was the chat last Saturday with Matt and Rob where we
basically agreed about most things said above, Matt did you send me
the log, I kind of cannot find it, maybe you can kindly send it in
======================= END ====================
How I see things:
Matt could be the new "James" but he needs help.
John & Thomas seem to be interested in providing some of the technical help.
Rob does not have much time but is willing to help out wherever needed
for now and later on once in a while, but to be honest sometimes just
copying files will not be good enough sometimes I'd love to run the
Quiz too.
Ari: Expressed that he had no time to do it but would love to do so,
that too would make him an occasional candidate when we force Matt to
take a break;)
James: Well that seems clear but maybe he will still be there for some
advice if we do not overdo it
Other people have talked about Ruby Quiz 2 like e.g. Todd Benson,
please tell me (Todd and others) if I overlooked you as an interested
As a matter of fact I would not like the role of a coordinator here I
am just such a bad one but wanted to write this up before the next
Looking at the messy result maybe we will find a volunteer for the next time?
And the problem that remains is of course the host for the site :(.