Design Question / Challenge - From SmartPy Contract to Yes, It's Just Ruby - Let's Play Nim (The Ancient Math Subtraction Game)


  Here's another design question / challenge:

  Turn the SmartPy contract that lets you play Nim (the ancient math
subtraction game) into a "Yes, It's Just Ruby" version. Example:

  import smartpy as sp

  class NimGame(sp.Contract):
      def __init__(self, size, bound = None, winnerIsLast = False):
          self.bound = bound
          self.winnerIsLast = winnerIsLast
          self.init(deck = sp.range(1, size + 1),
                    size = size,
                    nextPlayer = 1,
                    claimed = False,
                    winner = 0)

      def remove(self, data, params):
          cell = params.cell
          k = params.k
          sp.check(0 <= cell)
          sp.check(cell < data.size)
          sp.check(1 <= k)
          if self.bound is not None:
              sp.check(k <= self.bound)
          sp.check(k <= data.deck[cell])
          sp.set(data.deck[cell], data.deck[cell] - k)
          sp.set(data.nextPlayer, 3 - data.nextPlayer)

      def claim(self, data, params):
          sp.check(sp.sum(data.deck) == 0)
          sp.set(data.claimed, True)
          if self.winnerIsLast:
              sp.set(data.winner, 3 - data.nextPlayer)
              sp.set(data.winner, data.nextPlayer)

  What's SmartPy?

  The SmartPy library for programming contracts with Python
(see Introducing SmartPy [1]) compiles to SmartML and onto Michelson bytecode.

   What's Nim?

Nim is a mathematical game of strategy in which two players take turns
removing objects from distinct heaps. On each turn, a player must remove
at least one object, and may remove any number of objects provided
they all come from the same heap. The goal of the game is to avoid
taking the last object.

(Source: Nim @ Wikipedia [2])

  And here's my (second) take [3] with an alternate
   "meta" parameterized contract template / factory
   and yes, it's ruby:


# Nim Game Contract Template
# Parameter Options:
# - bound (default: nil)
# - winner_is_last (default: false)

sig [Integer],
def setup( size )
  @deck = Array( 1...size+1 ) ## e.g. [1,2,3,4,...]
  @size = size
  @next_player = 1
  @claimed = false
  @winner = 0

# cell - representing a cell from an array
# k - a quantity to remove from this cell
sig [Integer, Integer],
def remove( cell, k )
  assert 0 <= cell
  assert cell < @size
  assert 1 <= k
  if $DEFINED[:bound]
    assert k <= $PARA[:bound]
  assert k <= @deck[cell]

  @deck[cell] -= k
  @nextPlayer = 3 - @nextPlayer ## toggles between 1|2

def claim
  assert @deck.sum == 0

  @claimed = true
  if $TRUE[:winner_is_last]
    @winner = 3 - @nextPlayer
    @winner = @nextPlayer

   Can you do better? Yes, you can. Post your code snippets, ideas,
critiques, comments, etc.

   Cheers. Prost.

[1] Introducing SmartPy and, an Intuitive and Effective Language and Development Platform for Tezos Smart Contracts | by | Medium
[2] Nim - Wikipedia
[3] GitHub - orc721/sandbox: Ordgen / ORC-721 Sandbox