DBI Oracle error

There are three Oracle drivers: oracle, OCI8 and Ruby9i. I use OCI8
myself. Try one of the others and see how it goes.




-----Original Message-----
From: Graham [mailto:gandalfmeister@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 5:55 AM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: DBI Oracle error

My first attempt at debugging adopts your idea, so for the
parameterised insert of: sth = dbh.prepare("INSERT INTO
EFFLUENT_LOG (datetime, suspect, flow, temp, ph)
VALUES(to_date(?, 'DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS'), ?, ?, ?, ?)");

I now run on a row by row basis:-
sth.execute((date + " " + time), val,
sprintf("%3.1f",flow.to_f).to_f, sprintf("%4.2f",
temp.to_f).to_f, sprintf("%5.2f",ph.to_f).to_f) whic smacks
of paranoia in my book. However still get exactly the same
failures. (BTW The suspect field is a single character 'Y' or 'N' )

I'm beginning to think DBI for Oracle is extremely buggy.

Any suggestions for an alternative interface to Oracle, or
ideas what the problem might be? Regards Graham

Will do - thanks. I didn't realise I had installed such an old driver.
First inspection appears that I don't have the knowledge to build the
Ruby9i driver - as it comes as a build package for Linux I assume. OCI8
liiks more promising (read - idiot proof)
I'll try it on Monday

If anyone else is interested, replacing the Oracle driver with the OCI8
driver solved my problem. It looks like the standard Oracle driver is
buggy under DBI at least.