My (possibly wrong) initial guess would be a precision error of some
sort in conjunction with Ruby's .to_f. Double check the the column
types (presumably a NUMBER) and see what the precision is set to. The
column precision *is* set, right? You may need to tinker a bit.
Stepping through the debugger and manually inspecting the float values
might be in order as well.
-----Original Message-----
From: Graham []
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 8:25 AM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: DBI Oracle errorI've written a small upload utility to take a 10k+ line log
file and upload it to a database. It works fine (on the
whole) except that I getError code: 1722
Error message: ORA-01722: invalid numberevery so often. The data rows around the offending line are
01/06/05,00:43:49,0,6.67,30.3,-99.9,-99.9,-99.9, <- this line
fails 01/06/05,00:43:59,0,6.67,30.3,-99.9,-99.9,-99.9,
(i.e. virtually identical data)I'm using a prepared statement and my only thoughts are that
there is an issue with the driver somehow. e.g. after a
certain number of inserts or memory usage the driver fails.Any ideas how I debug this, as inserting "broken" rows
manually via SQL*Plus succeeds every time (so it isn't the
data). Anyone have problems with the DBI functionality?require 'dbi'
dbh = DBI.connect('DBI:Oracle:tpdev', 'username',
'password'); sth = dbh.prepare("INSERT INTO EFFLUENT_LOG
(datetime, suspect, flow, temp, ph) VALUES(to_date(?,
'DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS'), ?, ?, ?, ?)"); .... some loop stuff..
sth.execute((date + " " + time), val, flow.to_f, temp.to_f,
ph.to_f) ... more loop stuffNot rocket science.. but I'm confused. Is it a driver issue? Graham