Day 16 - Ruby Advent Calendar 2017 - gli - Add Git-like interfaces (GLI) to your awesome command-line tools; talk to your computer (bots) in the shell in text; commands, commands, commands


  welcome back to the Ruby Advent Calendar 2017 [1] - 25 Days
of Ruby Gems / Libraries from December 1 to December 25.

  Let's continue the series on Day 16 with the gli [2] library /
gem. Add Git-like interfaces (GLI) to your awesome command-line tools;
talk to your computer (bots) in the shell in text; commands, commands, commands.

  Thanks to David Bryant Copeland for publishing more than 70+
releases since 2009
leading to today's version 2.17+ and more than 8 million downloads.

  Happy scripting & talking. Cheers. Prost.

PS: You're more than welcome to send in your articles (about your
library / gem of choice) too!
