welcome back to the Ruby Advent Calendar 2017 [1] - 25 Days
of Ruby Gems / Libraries from December 1 to December 25.
Let's continue the series on Day 14 with the hoe library /
gem and command line tools. Build, package and publish gems with hoe;
use build scripts with ready-to-use rake (ruby make) tasks; automate,
automate, automate.
Thanks to Ryan Davis and friends (from Seattle.rb)
for polishing the gem all those years - more than 100+ releases -
leading to today’s version 3.16.
Happy scripting & automating. Cheers.
PS: You're more than welcome to send in your articles (about your
library / gem of choice) too!
[1] https://planetruby.github.io/advent2017
[2] https://planetruby.github.io/advent2017/14-hoe