I've research this but am still having trouble getting it right ....
Can someone give me code that counts the number of words in a string via
RegExp and MatchData objects? I think I'd like a word to be defined as
contiguous characters surrounded by white space (or the start/end of the
string), though am open to other interpretations.
'this is a sentence with some words'.words
=> ["this", "is", "a", "sentence", "with", "some", "words"]
'this is a sentence with some words'.words.size
=> 7
On Sat, Apr 29, 2006 at 02:43:30AM +0900, Jamal Mazrui wrote:
I've research this but am still having trouble getting it right ....
Can someone give me code that counts the number of words in a string via
RegExp and MatchData objects? I think I'd like a word to be defined as
contiguous characters surrounded by white space (or the start/end of the
string), though am open to other interpretations.
I'm a bit of a nuby, and this is my first post to the list, but I
think the following one-liner will do the job:
number_of_words = string.split(/\s/).length
I haven't tested it because I'm at work without access to a Ruby interpreter :(.
On 4/28/06, Jamal Mazrui <Jamal.Mazrui@fcc.gov> wrote:
I've research this but am still having trouble getting it right ....
Can someone give me code that counts the number of words in a string via
RegExp and MatchData objects? I think I'd like a word to be defined as
contiguous characters surrounded by white space (or the start/end of the
string), though am open to other interpretations.
I've research this but am still having trouble getting it right ....
Can someone give me code that counts the number of words in a string via
RegExp and MatchData objects? I think I'd like a word to be defined as
contiguous characters surrounded by white space (or the start/end of the
string), though am open to other interpretations.
irb(main):020:0> a="This is a test."
=> "This is a test."
irb(main):021:0> a.scan(/\b\S.*?\b/).size
=> 4
The Regexp in line 21 rewritten in a more readable form is:
\b (?# a word boundary )
\S (?# a character that is not a space )
.*? (?# maybe (*) some more characters (.), but don't be greedy (?))
\b (?# a word boundary )
btw, the Regexp above actually works because of the x at the end, meaning an extended regexp.
On Friday, April 28, 2006, at 04:35PM, Jamal Mazrui <Jamal.Mazrui@fcc.gov> wrote:
I've research this but am still having trouble getting it right ....
Can someone give me code that counts the number of words in a string via
RegExp and MatchData objects? I think I'd like a word to be defined as
contiguous characters surrounded by white space (or the start/end of the
string), though am open to other interpretations.
Help everyone. If you can't do that, then at least be nice.
I've research this but am still having trouble getting it right ....
Can someone give me code that counts the number of words in a string via
RegExp and MatchData objects? I think I'd like a word to be defined as
contiguous characters surrounded by white space (or the start/end of the
string), though am open to other interpretations.
Here is a naive implementation:
class String
def words
And quite bit more efficient, memory-wise:
class String
def count_words
n = 0
scan(/\b\S+\b/) { n += 1}
Making String#count take regexps would be nice (same for #delete).
On Sat, Apr 29, 2006 at 02:43:30AM +0900, Jamal Mazrui wrote: