I think u expect this output.. so pls try it..
str="Ruby is great. We all know that."
a= str.split('.').join(' ')
=> words=["Ruby","is","great","We","all","know","that"]
unknown wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I've started with Ruby a month ago and I am doing some works with
> strings
> and regular expressions. I am trying to take a long text and store the
> individual sentences in an array. I can split a sentence in words and
> store them in an array, but I cannot manage to do it with sentences.
> I have used the following assignment to work with the words:
> str = "Ruby is great"
> words =
> words = str.scan(/\w+/)
> The result is words[0]="Ruby" words[1]="is" and words[3]="great"
> I would like to do the following:
> str = "Ruby is great. We all know that."
> and get words[0]="Ruby is great" and ruby[1]="We all know that"
> Any ideas on how to do it with a regular expression instead of looping
> through the string looking for the "."?
> Thanks,
> Guillermo
Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
If you want to stick to a regex based solution.
str = "one one one. two. three."
=> "one one one. two. three."
=> ["one one one.", "two.", "three."]
And you could keep going adding more words in the same pattern
str = "one one one. two. three. four. five."
=> "one one one. two. three. four. five."
=> ["one one one.", "two.", "three.", "four.", "five."]
It may not be the best solution to this problem, but it is always good
have your regexp skills up to date
On Jun 25, 2:25 am, Raveendran Jazzez <jazzezr...@gmail.com> wrote: