Convert day of year to month, day


What's the "ruby way" to go from a date/time format that is "Year
Day_of_Year time" to "Year Month Day". E.g. I want to convert
year=2008, day_of_year=095, frequently represented as "2008-095" to it's
more usual format "2008-04-04". I've been playing with the Time class
and it's methods and found nifty ways to get yday, e.g., but how do I easily go backwards w/o writing my own
simple converter?



Posted via

What's the "ruby way" to go from a date/time format that is "Year
Day_of_Year time" to "Year Month Day". E.g. I want to convert
year=2008, day_of_year=095, frequently represented as "2008-095" to it's
more usual format "2008-04-04". I've been playing with the Time class
and it's methods and found nifty ways to get yday, e.g., but how do I easily go backwards w/o writing my own
simple converter?

How's this?

>> require "date"
=> true
>> Date.strptime("2008-095", "%Y-%j").to_s
=> "2008-04-04"

James Edward Gray II


On Apr 4, 2008, at 9:38 AM, Rob Redmon wrote:

hi rob-

james example is good - you might find this method quite useful with julian days to:

   p Date.ordinal(2008,1).ctime #=> "Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 2008"


a @


On Apr 4, 2008, at 8:38 AM, Rob Redmon wrote:


What's the "ruby way" to go from a date/time format that is "Year
Day_of_Year time" to "Year Month Day". E.g. I want to convert
year=2008, day_of_year=095, frequently represented as "2008-095" to it's
more usual format "2008-04-04". I've been playing with the Time class
and it's methods and found nifty ways to get yday, e.g., but how do I easily go backwards w/o writing my own
simple converter?


we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

James Gray wrote:

What's the "ruby way" to go from a date/time format that is "Year
Day_of_Year time" to "Year Month Day". E.g. I want to convert
year=2008, day_of_year=095, frequently represented as "2008-095" to
more usual format "2008-04-04". I've been playing with the Time class
and it's methods and found nifty ways to get yday, e.g., but how do I easily go backwards w/o writing my own
simple converter?

How's this?

>> require "date"
=> true
>> Date.strptime("2008-095", "%Y-%j").to_s
=> "2008-04-04"

James Edward Gray II

Good idea, but doesn't work for me:
irb(main):065:0> Date.strptime("2008-095", "%Y-%J").to_s
ArgumentError: invalid date
        from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb:650:in `new_with_hash'
        from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb:675:in `strptime'
        from (irb):65

Maybe my version of Ruby (1.8.1) is too old. The computer in question
is managed by the network pirates and unlikely to be upgraded. This is
a noob thought, but is there a way for me to locally upgrade the Date
class, ala a Ruby Gem?



On Apr 4, 2008, at 9:38 AM, Rob Redmon wrote:

        from :0
Posted via\.

ara.t.howard wrote:


On Apr 4, 2008, at 8:38 AM, Rob Redmon wrote:


What's the "ruby way" to go from a date/time format that is "Year
Day_of_Year time" to "Year Month Day". E.g. I want to convert
year=2008, day_of_year=095, frequently represented as "2008-095" to
more usual format "2008-04-04". I've been playing with the Time class
and it's methods and found nifty ways to get yday, e.g., but how do I easily go backwards w/o writing my own
simple converter?


hi rob-

james example is good - you might find this method quite useful with
julian days to:

   p Date.ordinal(2008,1).ctime #=> "Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 2008"


a @

Wicked, thanks Ara!

Caution to the wind; I'm building my own 1.8.6 to experiment with.

Posted via\.

James Gray wrote:

How's this?

>> require "date"
=> true
>> Date.strptime("2008-095", "%Y-%j").to_s
=> "2008-04-04"

James Edward Gray II

Now that is an awesome little method I didn't know about. Thanks James.


Posted via\.

yyyy, jjj, *ignored = yourdate.split '-'

date = Date.ordinal Integer(yyyy), Integer(jjj)

p date

a @


On Apr 4, 2008, at 9:20 AM, Rob Redmon wrote:

Maybe my version of Ruby (1.8.1) is too old. The computer in question
is managed by the network pirates and unlikely to be upgraded. This is
a noob thought, but is there a way for me to locally upgrade the Date
class, ala a Ruby Gem?

we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

put it on NFS - then just use it everywhere - bugger sysadmins

a @


On Apr 4, 2008, at 9:24 AM, Rob Redmon wrote:

Caution to the wind; I'm building my own 1.8.6 to experiment with.

we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama