Can't understand for this each


Please take a look at below.
what's each{ .. } in the find_all method?
I can't understand for it. thanks.

class Hash
  def find_all
    new_hash =
    each { |k,v| new_hash[k] = v if yield(k, v) }

squares = {0=>0, 1=>1, 2=>4, 3=>9}
z=squares.find_all { |key, value| key > 1 }
p z

An English translation might read "For each key value pair in the hash, add
it to the new hash if the block submitted returns true."


On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 6:20 AM, Ruby Newbee <> wrote:


Please take a look at below.
what's each{ .. } in the find_all method?
I can't understand for it. thanks.

class Hash
def find_all
   new_hash =
   each { |k,v| new_hash[k] = v if yield(k, v) }

squares = {0=>0, 1=>1, 2=>4, 3=>9}
z=squares.find_all { |key, value| key > 1 }
p z


what's each{ .. } in the find_all method?

class Hash
  def find_all
    new_hash =
    each { |k,v| new_hash[k] = v if yield(k, v) }

`Hash#each' is not `Array#each'. It is descibed in
<Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide.

It does something like

  class Hash
    def each
      keys.each { |k|
        yield k, self[ k]

A remarkable aspect is that `Hash#each' yields two values so that
everywhere in Enumerable's descriptions "{ |obj| ... }" has to be
replaced with "{ |k,v| ... }" or even "|(k,v)|". For example, you
have to call

  hash.each_with_index { |(k,v),i| ... }



Am Samstag, 02. Jan 2010, 21:20:02 +0900 schrieb Ruby Newbee:

Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany
Support `String#notempty?': <;\.

Ruby Newbee wrote:


Please take a look at below.
what's each{ .. } in the find_all method?
I can't understand for it. thanks.

Would it help if you think of it as "self.each" ?

That is, you are calling the method called "each" on the current object
instance, which in this case is a Hash.


Posted via\.

oops that's right.
I know what's each.
But I don't understand for a raw each there...
yes self.each, got it, thanks!



On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 2:36 AM, Brian Candler <> wrote:

Ruby Newbee wrote:


Please take a look at below.
what's each{ .. } in the find_all method?
I can't understand for it. thanks.

Would it help if you think of it as "self.each" ?