Can you call private methods with explicit receivers?

My understanding is the answer is no, you can't call private methods
with explicit receivers, even self. See

However, the following example seems to counter that.

class A
  def m2
    self.m1 = "hello"


  def m1=(value)
    @m1 = value
    puts "assigning #{value} to @m1"

  def m3
    puts "inside m3"

The output is:
assigning hello to @m1
/tmp/t.rb:4:in `m2': private method `m3' called for #<A:0x007fc4b404e568
@m1="hehe"> (NoMethodError)
         from /tmp/t.rb:19:in `<main>'

Why can m2 call self.m1= which is a private method?

$ ruby –v
ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-darwin11.3.0]



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Probably because it would be otherwise impossible (except for using
#send), as `m1 = "hello"` would have been local variable assignment
and not method call.

-- Matma Rex


2012/7/5 Jingjing Duan <>:

Why can m2 call self.m1= which is a private method?

Picking up Bartosz Dziewoński's reference to #send, also note this: rescue puts $!.inspect rescue puts $!.inspect rescue puts $!.inspect


assigning hello to @m1
#<NoMethodError: private method `m3' called for #<A:0x9ba3a0 @m1="hello">>
#<NoMethodError: private method `m3' called for #<A:0x9b9ac0>>
inside m3


On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 6:16 PM, Jingjing Duan <> wrote:

My understanding is the answer is no, you can't call private methods
with explicit receivers, even self. See
Ruby Access Control – Are Private And Protected Methods Only A Guideline? - Skorks

However, the following example seems to counter that.

class A
  def m2
    self.m1 = "hello"


  def m1=(value)
    @m1 = value
    puts "assigning #{value} to @m1"

  def m3
    puts "inside m3"

Thanks Bartosz. That makes sense. I guess due to Ruby's rich syntax it
has to make some exceptions like this one under certain circumstances.

BTW, I found the blog post below which talks about this exact problem.

Bartosz Dziewoński wrote in post #1067565:


2012/7/5 Jingjing Duan <>:

Why can m2 call self.m1= which is a private method?

Probably because it would be otherwise impossible (except for using
#send), as `m1 = "hello"` would have been local variable assignment
and not method call.

-- Matma Rex

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