Alle Sunday 10 February 2008, andrea ha scritto:
> Ruby implements private methods forbidding to call them with an explicit
> receiver, but only with the explicit receiver, self. This is enough to
> ensure a private instance method of class A can't be called by, for
> example an instance method of class B, because in the latter self is an
> instance of class B, not of class A.
I don't know if I understand correctly your last sentence, but also less
rescrictive (compared to private) protected methods behave the way you
described, am I right? I am asking because I don't get the link between
the 2 sentences quoted above.
Sorry, while the rest of your post is pretty clear it seems I am missing
something here... any further explaination is welcome
I agree that what I wrote isn't very clear. This is what I meant: a private
method can only be called without explicitly using a receiver, that is:
is OK, but
is wrong. This means that, if my_method is a private instance method of class
A, i can only call it from places where self is an instance of class A
because, if I try to call it from somewhere else, I need an explicit receiver,
which doesn't work for private methods. The weird thing is that even
self.my_method uses an explicit receiver and so causes an error, even if the
receiver is the same as the explicit receiver.
There are a couple of other peculiarities which arise from this approach to
private methods, compared with other languages, such as C++
* you can only call a private method of self, not of another object of the
same class (because you'd need to use an explicit receiver to do so)
* you can can call a private method from a derived class (because you don't
need an explicit receiver).
Here there are some examples:
class A
def m1
private :m1
def m2
m1 #this works, because I'm using the implicit receiver, self
def m3
#this doesn't work because I'm using an explicit receiver, even
#if it's the same object as the implicit receiver
def m4 other
#this doesn't work, regardless of whether other is an instance of A
#or not (of course, provided it doesn't have a public m1 method)
end #this doesn't work because of explicit receiver
class B < A
def m5
m1 #this works because I don't need to use an explicit receiver
I hope this makes things clearer
Stefano Crocco <> wrote: