Callcc problem in Generator

Hey all,

I was playing with the Generator class the other day and decided I
didn't like that you can't break out while iterating through the
generator without first having already taken the time to iterate to
the element after the one you were at when you decided to break out.

The following code shows what I mean. It runs through
test_generator() twice, the first with the current implementation of
Generator, and the second with a new one I whipped up. It shows that
the current implementation takes longer to execute when breaking out
early. Also, outside of performance, I don't like that if I were
reading a stream of data and decided to break out, it would read one
too many lines--kind of an ugly side-effect.

Unfortunately, there's a significant bug in my version that I been
trying to crack all night and I can't figure it out for the life of
me. I want to be able to start iterating, then midway through, call
rewind(), and then start iterating through again. When I do that, it
leaves the stack in an odd place, and when I call each(), it will make
it all the way to the end then get caught in an infinite loop inside

So I guess my question is, if you create a continuation with callcc()
and then decide never to call that continuation, is there some way to
unwind the stack?


require 'generator'

def test_generator()
  timeStart =
  puts "start constructing at #{ - timeStart}"
  gen = do |g|
    for num in [1,2,3,4,5]
  puts "finished constructing at #{ - timeStart}"
  puts "getting first element at #{ - timeStart}"
  for num in gen
    puts num
    break if num == 3
    puts "getting next element at #{ - timeStart}"
  puts "done at #{ - timeStart}"
  puts "\n\n"

puts "Ruby's Generator"

class EndOfGenerator < Exception

class Generator
  def initialize(&closure)
    @closure = closure
    return rewind()
  def each()
    return self
  def rewind()
    @closureEntryPoint = nil
    @currentElement = nil
    @nextElement = nil
    @position = -1
    return self
  def pos()
    return @position
  def current()
    if @currentElement == nil
        @nextElement = @currentElement
      rescue EndOfGenerator
    return @currentElement
  def next?()
    return true if @nextElement
      @nextElement =
      return true
    rescue EndOfGenerator
      return false
  def end?()
    return !
  def next()
    if @nextElement
      @currentElement = @nextElement
      @currentElement = callcc do |cc|
        @generatorEntryPoint = cc
        if @closureEntryPoint == nil


      @position += 1
    @nextElement = nil
    return @currentElement

  def yield(obj)
    return callcc do |cc|
      @closureEntryPoint = cc

puts "Corrected generator"