Generator implementation

I was reading the Generator implementation a few hours ago,
finding out that it's a little hard to understand the code for me.
Then I started writing my own implementation with Continuation,
hoping I understood things well. Did it have to be that complex?

The result was shown below, and they passed the unit tests in
I believed they are faster than the original implementation,
(p.s. generator.rb,v 2004/05/07 08:48:23 matz Exp $)
but was not sure if there's something wrong.
Maybe there's more consideration I didn't notice before.
Please correct me if I lost something. Thank you.

And if you thought this implementation was useful, feel free to use it
under the same terms as Ruby.

class Generator
    include Enumerable
    def initialize enum = nil, &block
        if enum
            @block = lambda{|g| enum.each{|i| g.yield i}}
            @block = block
        @index = 0
        @value = nil
        if @con_next = callcc{|c|c}

    def next
        raise EOFError, "no more elements available" if end?
        @index += 1
        result = @value if @con_next = callcc{|c|c}

    def yield value
        @value = value if @con_yield = callcc{|c|c}

    def next?
        return true if @con_yield
        return false
    def end?
    def index
    alias_method :pos, :index
    def current
        raise EOFError, "no more elements available" unless @value
    def rewind
        initialize &@block
    def each
        yield( while

Thank you for reading.