Hi there!
I released a Brazilian Portuguese Ruby book, hope that
it helps spreading the language. 
Here is the publisher's book URL:
It's my first book and it's on pre-order right now,
will be released next April 5 (and April 6 is my
birthday, wow!). 
Best regards,
Eustáquio "TaQ" Rangel
Usuário GNU/Linux no. 224050
For some reason that is just too cool. I wish I could read it 
Here's to strong sales!
On 3/25/06, Eustaquio Rangel de Oliveira J <eustaquiorangel@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi there!
I released a Brazilian Portuguese Ruby book, hope that
it helps spreading the language. 
Here is the publisher's book URL:
It's my first book and it's on pre-order right now,
will be released next April 5 (and April 6 is my
birthday, wow!). 
Best regards,
Eustáquio "TaQ" Rangel
The easiest way to create, record and stream live video - Beings
Usuário GNU/Linux no. 224050
Added to http://rubygarden.org/ruby?RubyBookList
I think I should clean up that page a bit but I'd prefer to do that
under my real name. Up to now that fails - I always end up with some
strange message about UserID 111 
Josef 'Jupp' Schugt
At Sun, 26 Mar 2006 00:06:01 +0900, Eustaquio Rangel de Oliveira J wrote:
I released a Brazilian Portuguese Ruby book, hope that it helps
spreading the language. 
Hi Josef!
Added to http://rubygarden.org/ruby?RubyBookList
I checked there but did not found it, so I edited the
page, thanks for the tip! 
Best regards,
Eustáquio "TaQ" Rangel
Usuário GNU/Linux no. 224050
This is really alien. When I visit the page I
a) see my addition and
b) don't see yours
Could anybody else please check this page as well?
Josef 'Jupp' Schugt
At Sun, 26 Mar 2006 23:28:31 +0900, Eustaquio Rangel de Oliveira J wrote:
Hi Josef!
> Added to http://rubygarden.org/ruby?RubyBookList
I checked there but did not found it, so I edited the
page, thanks for the tip! 
50°40'8"N/7°9'58"E = 50°40.1333'N/7°9.9667'E = 50.668889°/7.166111°
Link of the day:
URL: qurl.net - This website is for sale! - qurl Resources and Information. (try qurl.net - This website is for sale! - qurl Resources and Information. when down)
IS: Current status of German c.l.r FAQ rewrite
One of you is probably in the spam tarpit
On Mar 26, 2006, at 11:26 AM, Josef 'Jupp' SCHUGT wrote:
At Sun, 26 Mar 2006 23:28:31 +0900, > Eustaquio Rangel de Oliveira J wrote:
Hi Josef!
Added to http://rubygarden.org/ruby?RubyBookList
I checked there but did not found it, so I edited the
page, thanks for the tip! 
This is really alien. When I visit the page I
a) see my addition and
b) don't see yours
Could anybody else please check this page as well?
Josef 'Jupp' Schugt
50°40'8"N/7°9'58"E = 50°40.1333'N/7°9.9667'E = 50.668889°/7.166111°
Link of the day:
URL: qurl.net - This website is for sale! - qurl Resources and Information. (try qurl.net - This website is for sale! - qurl Resources and Information. when down)
IS: Current status of German c.l.r FAQ rewrite
This is really alien. When I visit the page I
a) see my addition and
b) don't see yours
One of you is probably in the spam tarpit
Ouch! And I keep seeing my changes and not the Josef's.
Eustáquio "TaQ" Rangel
Usuário GNU/Linux no. 224050
Logan Capaldo wrote:
This is really alien. When I visit the page I
URL: qurl.net - This website is for sale! - qurl Resources and Information. (try qurl.net - This website is for sale! - qurl Resources and Information. when down)
IS: Current status of German c.l.r FAQ rewrite
One of you is probably in the spam tarpit
At least one person editing the RubyBookList page is using
dsl.telesp.net.br as an IP provider.
At some point in the past, someone from dsl.telesp.net.br spammed the
Ruby Garden Home page and earned an explicit entry in the ban list.
I've reviewed the log and it seems that there is no recent spam from
that IP provider, so I'll remove it from the ban list.
Sorry for the inconvenience. If anyone else is having strange problems
with stuff mysteriously disappearing, you too might be stuck in the
tarpit. In most cases, setting up an explicit user name in the
preferences link at the bottom of each page is enough to escape the
tarpit. In some cases where you are unlucky enough to share an IP
provider with a spammer, you might be in the explicit ban list. In that
case, feel free to contact me with any questions.
So, is the tarpit working? Just some stats over the last month:
Number of legit wiki updates: 222
Number of spam attacks: 704
So, the spam attacks are still over 3 times the legit traffic.
Fortunately, most of the attacks are directed to the tarpit. I've spent
very little time lately doing any wiki cleanup and it looks as few
others have either. The tarpit seems to be doing its job.
On Mar 26, 2006, at 11:26 AM, Josef 'Jupp' SCHUGT wrote:
-- Jim Weirich
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.
Hi Jim.
At least one person editing the RubyBookList page is
dsl.telesp.net.br as an IP provider.
I've reviewed the log and it seems that there is no
recent spam from
that IP provider, so I'll remove it from the ban
Seems that they are with more control about some
spammers right now.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
No problem. 
The tarpit seems to be doing
its job.
Eustáquio "TaQ" Rangel
Usuário GNU/Linux no. 224050