Another german book is coming


yesterday I found this:

this is the 3rd ruby book available in german

I can not say if it is good because it is not yet published
it seems to be a book for beginners



yesterday I found this:

this is the 3rd ruby book available in german

I can not say if it is good because it is not yet published
it seems to be a book for beginners


Good news.

No slight intended to our teutonic friends, but why do we know about three
Ruby books in German but none in any other non-obvious language? Are
there any in French, Spanish, Chinese, …? I imagine if there were they
would be mentioned in the FAQ/Wiki.

Also, can anyone tell me how many Ruby books exist in Japanese? I’m curious.

BTW the Google translation of the above site made for a good chuckle.


I think this is not so useful. There are already a few very good out
there. What is necessary is a book for the advanced programmer. But it
seems that most publishing companies don’t llike this kind of books
and yes, they have to pay more to the writer.


On Mon, 02 Sep 2002 09:31:25 +0200, Markus Jais wrote:


yesterday I found this:

this is the 3rd ruby book available in german

I can not say if it is good because it is not yet published
it seems to be a book for beginners

I can not say if it is good because it is not yet published
it seems to be a book for beginners

In english speaking countries “Das Einsteigerseminar ‘Ruby’” would be
called “Ruby 101” or similar.

Ruby, eine leicht verständliche objektorientierte Programmier-
sprache, bietet mit ihrer einfachen Syntax einen idealen Einstieg
in die Programmierung.

They are presenting Ruby as an object oriented programming language
with no conceptual awkwardness - ideal for beginners.

Sie ist frei verfügbar und besticht nicht nur durch die
übersichtliche Struktur, zahlreich vorhandene Bibliotheken und
Datenstrukturen für vielfältige Anwendungen - Ruby-Programme sind
außerdem portierfähig und laufen problemlos auf Windows, Mac und

Ruby is described as beeing freely available, having clear structure,
being available on Win, Mac and Unices and providing rich libs and
data structures.

Das Einsteigerseminar vermittelt in einfachen Arbeitsschritten und
anhand vieler eingängiger Beispiele elementare Grundkenntnisse zu
Ruby und erläutert Begriffe wie Felder, Methoden, Klassen und

The book is described as being a step by step introduction with easy
examples to make you learin basic Ruby and introducing terms like
array, method, class and object.

Mit diesem Buch erhält der Leser auch Einblick in die Möglichkeiten
der populären Programmiersprache, so z.B. in die Grafik-
programmierung anhand kleiner Programme.

It takes a glimpse at the what you can do with the popular (that’s
new to me, I didn’t know it is popular in Germany - I am German)
programming language Rub, e.g. graphics programming.

Die Autoren sind erfahrene Schulungsleiter, die den Stoff
anfängergerecht und praxisorientiert vermitteln.

The authors are described as people who have done many courses and
capable of using a hands-on introduction for newbies.

Seemingly the book is going to be very introductory - for real
freshmen. I think that is a book that has been missing. Most
introductions to Ruby (more or less explicitly) assume that you have
already been exposed to some prograamming language - preferably an
object-oriented one.

De wa,

Josef ‘Jupp’ Schugt


On Mon, 02 Sep 2002 09:31:25 +0200, Markus Jais wrote:

In french, there is only ‘Ruby in a Nutshell’ (ed. O’Reilly).
It seems that ‘Programming in Ruby’ will be translated.

Pierre Brengard

Gavin Sinclair wrote:



yesterday I found this:

this is the 3rd ruby book available in german

I can not say if it is good because it is not yet published
it seems to be a book for beginners


Good news.

No slight intended to our teutonic friends, but why do we know about three
Ruby books in German but none in any other non-obvious language? Are
there any in French, Spanish, Chinese, …? I imagine if there were they
would be mentioned in the FAQ/Wiki.

Also, can anyone tell me how many Ruby books exist in Japanese? I’m curious.

BTW the Google translation of the above site made for a good chuckle.


Lothar Scholz wrote:


On Mon, 02 Sep 2002 09:31:25 +0200, Markus Jais wrote:


yesterday I found this:

this is the 3rd ruby book available in german

I can not say if it is good because it is not yet published
it seems to be a book for beginners

I think this is not so useful. There are already a few very good out
there. What is necessary is a book for the advanced programmer. But it
seems that most publishing companies don’t llike this kind of books
and yes, they have to pay more to the writer.

maybe it is a book for people new to programming.
ruby might be good as a first programming language

but I would prefer an advanced book too.
maybe some english advanced books are coming…


I think the German market for Ruby is still way too small.

I think Stefan, Clemens and I would happily add
another 300 pages to our Ruby book, but the problem
simply is that so far not enough books are sold.

<advertisement: immediate action needed! :-)>
… so if you speak German buy German ruby books
for your friends.

In the short-run I think for more advanced/specialised books … hope on
English books. Maybe it would make economics sense to translate a few Japanese
books. Just out of interest, is there a list of Japanese Ruby books with
English summaries what they are about to see what sells in Japan?
Just by studying code – without understanding Japanse you can probably
pick up a few things. What is the best way to order Japanese books from

What specific topics lack good enough documentation?
Maybe someone could write an online tutorial/article.

Maybe one way to expertise is to look at the source-code and if you “grok” it
give sth. back to the open source community by posting summaries to the
newsgroup, adding it to the wiki on Rubygarden, put it on your webpage.
The Community lives from sharing. I know this takes more effort than simply
buying a book, but you do yourself a big favour as you well learn a lot
while doing it … and don’t forget you can always ask s.b. here.

Write your own documentation and share it!

Take care,


Am Dienstag, 3. September 2002 00:21 schrieben Sie:

I think this is not so useful. There are already a few very good out
there. What is necessary is a book for the advanced programmer. But it
seems that most publishing companies don’t llike this kind of books
and yes, they have to pay more to the writer.

Armin Roehrl,
Training, Development and Mentoring
OOP, XP, Java, Ruby, Smalltalk, Datamining, Parallel computing, Webservices


Agile Entwicklerkonferenz: 22. und 23.10 in Nürnberg.

Even though beeing german, most of my computer related book are english.
I see a market for german computer books but you should definitively not
depend on it as a professional software developer. I think you must at least
understand english to make you way.



On Tue, Sep 03, 2002 at 07:38:17PM +0900, Armin Roehrl wrote:

Am Dienstag, 3. September 2002 00:21 schrieben Sie:

I think this is not so useful. There are already a few very good out
there. What is necessary is a book for the advanced programmer. But it
seems that most publishing companies don’t llike this kind of books
and yes, they have to pay more to the writer.

I think the German market for Ruby is still way too small.

I think Stefan, Clemens and I would happily add
another 300 pages to our Ruby book, but the problem
simply is that so far not enough books are sold.

<advertisement: immediate action needed! :-)>
… so if you speak German buy German ruby books
for your friends.

Meisterbohne Söflinger Straße 100 Tel: +49-731-399 499-0
eLösungen 89077 Ulm Fax: +49-731-399 499-9