Hey all,
In the .NET world, there is blogs.msdn.com, in the Mono world, there
is monologue. Is there a gathering place for ruby bloggers to code
about what they are working on or just blog in general? There are
several individual blogs I subscribe to (redhanded, loudthinking,
yombar), but I know I'm missing some. google blog search isn't really
that helpful. If there isn't a central aggragator, can I get some
suggestions about who to watch?
I don't think there is a planet-type site run by anyone in the community
yet (that I know of). I subscribe to a few of my favorite Ruby bloggers
and also to this:
For Rails, we have:
Someone in Japan owns planetruby.org,but doesn't appear to be using it
for anything.
On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 22:32 +0900, Josh Charles wrote:
Hey all,
In the .NET world, there is blogs.msdn.com, in the Mono world, there
is monologue. Is there a gathering place for ruby bloggers to code
about what they are working on or just blog in general? There are
several individual blogs I subscribe to (redhanded, loudthinking,
yombar), but I know I'm missing some. google blog search isn't really
that helpful. If there isn't a central aggragator, can I get some
suggestions about who to watch?
* Robby Russell, Owner.Developer.Geek
* PLANET ARGON, Open Source Solutions & Web Hosting
* Portland, Oregon | p: 503.351.4730 | f: 815.642.4068
* www.planetargon.com | www.robbyonrails.com
Josh Charles wrote:
In the .NET world, there is blogs.msdn.com, in the Mono world, there
is monologue. Is there a gathering place for ruby bloggers to code
about what they are working on or just blog in general? There are
several individual blogs I subscribe to (redhanded, loudthinking,
yombar), but I know I'm missing some. google blog search isn't really
that helpful. If there isn't a central aggragator, can I get some
suggestions about who to watch?
* http://planetruby.0x42.net/
* Artima Forums - Ruby Buzz Forum
* http://www.technorati.com/tags/ruby
Josh Charles wrote:
Hey all,
In the .NET world, there is blogs.msdn.com, in the Mono world, there
is monologue. Is there a gathering place for ruby bloggers to code
about what they are working on or just blog in general?
The Internet.
There are
several individual blogs I subscribe to (redhanded, loudthinking,
yombar), but I know I'm missing some. google blog search isn't really
that helpful.
Artima's RubyBuzz aggregates numerous feeds from sites that are self-described as Ruby-related, though from many sites you're just as likely to get a review of Babylon 5 as you will a description of some neat Ruby hack.
> If there isn't a central aggregator, can I get some
> suggestions about who to watch?
Follow this newsgroup/mailing list, see who writes things you find interesting, then go see if they have a Web site.
Try to avoid the herd mentality or you'll miss the avant garde.
http://www.ruby-doc.org - The Ruby Documentation Site
http://www.rubyxml.com - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
http://www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys
Try: http://icerocket.com/
The default search is for blogs, and I've heard it's quite excellent
for this purpose.
On 9/23/05, Josh Charles <josh.charles@gmail.com> wrote:
google blog search isn't really
that helpful. If there isn't a central aggragator, can I get some
suggestions about who to watch?