ARTICLE: "Where Ruby Really Sparkles", Linux Magazine, Sept. 20002

Just got my (dead-tree, printed-on-paper, I don’t know if there’s a web
version) copy of Linux Magazine for September, 2002. There’s an article by
Dave Thomas about building networked applications in Ruby.

Props to Dave!


Just got my (dead-tree, printed-on-paper, I don’t know if there’s a web
version) copy of Linux Magazine for September, 2002. There’s an article by

There are lots of Linux magazines, presumably this is the only one
called “Linux Magazine” :-), but could you supply the ISSN for
precision, please? It may help people get hold of it. Thank you.

Dave Thomas about building networked applications in Ruby.

    Thank you

On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, JamesBritt wrote: