JamesBritt wrote:
Got back fro Seattle yesterday, picked up my mail from the post office today,
and was pleased to see that the December issue of Software Development magazine
has an article on Ruby by Rick Wayne. A star rating is given as well; Ruby
earned four out of a possible five stars, meaning it’s “[g]reat. The product is
near the top of its class and probably belongs in your shop.”
Just wanted to say that the article is now online. You need to register
before you can read it. So for those that don’t want to, here’s the txt:
A Joyful Gem
You may know a baker’s dozen programming languages, but make room for
one more: According to its inventor, Yukihiro Matsumoto, Ruby can put
the fun back in your code.
By Rick Wayne
What, another language to learn? Why bone up on Ruby, when any
programmer worth her debugger can name a dozen useful languages? Three
answers: learning, fun and productivity. Listen to Yukihiro Matsumoto
(a.k.a. “Matz”), Ruby’s inventor: “To be honest, Ruby is not yet a
‘job-making language.’ But learning new programming languages teaches
you new ideas.” He points out that Ruby teaches you dynamic
object-oriented programming, scripting in a pure OO language, and,
perhaps most importantly, the joy of programming. In our profession, new
ideas are at a premium, as is joyand Matsumoto claims that Ruby can
invigorate even the most jaded cube-dweller.
Joy ? Toy
But don’t assume that joy equals toyreal engineers use Ruby for real
projects, and their number is growing rapidly. Should you join them? It
depends on what you do. Speed-crazed bit-bashers shoehorning MPEG codecs
into 16K ROMs need not apply: High-level scripting languages remain
slower and fatter than low-level compiled ones. And no one’s likely to
write an OS in Ruby anytime soonRuby itself, after all, is built on top
of C. But for general-purpose work, the language is definitely worth a look.
For taxonomists, Ruby is a pure object-oriented interpreted scripting
language with weak typing. It offers easy access to operating-system
facilities, little to no boundary between compile time and runtime, and
the Big Three of Objects: encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.
“Pure” just means that all language elements are objects; object
orientation is built in, rather than bolted on. Yet Ruby allows a
procedural style suitable for quickly throwing together a one-off
script, and in addition to the traditional interpreter, there’s an
interactive environment for incremental development.
Ruby effectively bridges the worlds of quickie scripting and real
software engineering. Those “throwaway” programs have a habit of
clinging stubbornly to life, evolving into major systems over timeand a
strange attractor called “Big Ball of Mud” ensnares many of them. Ruby
proponents claim to usually avoid it. Why? Well, for one thing, it’s
simple to refactor and test Ruby classes. There’s no intervening
compilation, and weak typing lets you change a class’s interface without
compiler natterings. The interactive environment even lets you
incrementally add or replace class members on-the-fly.
Ruby shamelessly borrows good ideas from other languages. As in
Smalltalk, everything’s an object, whose type is determined purely by
the messages it responds to. From LISP comes the idea of mixins to
extend classes. Perl fans will recognize the regular-expression support,
right down to “$_” and its friends. (I said it was shameless.) Java
wonks will be pleased to see garbage collection, as well as useful
built-in class libraries. C hackers can dive under the hood and extend
the language for low-level programming. And, of course, the general
intenta scripting language for OO developmentis certainly familiar to
Python aficionados.
Traveling Light
But Ruby has a distinctive syntax and a “feel” all its own, carrying
little syntactic baggage. The Principle of Least Surprise holds: Things
just work the way you expect. Programmers who’ve switched say that they
spend more time pleasing the customer, instead of the compiler. Dave
Thomas, coauthor (with Andy Hunt) of The Pragmatic Programmer
(Addison-Wesley, 1999) and Programming Ruby (Addison-Wesley, 2000),
described a recent multiphase delivery project of eight weeks’ duration
that deployed 25,500 lines of Ruby source in roughly 300 classesand
that was on time, with no bugs in production.
“This was a serious rush job,” he states, “with an absolute deadline. I
honestly couldn’t have done it in any other language I know (and I know
a few).”
My initial Ruby experience bears this out. Our group’s C library for
access to our home-brewed weather database comprises about 2,000 lines.
Two hours after I opened my laptop, Programming Ruby and a text editor,
I had 156 lines of Ruby that could read the format, retrieve data and
write it to relational tables; with a little refactoring, I’m still
using that code today.
Ruby’s World
Let’s take a look at some features and syntax examples that demonstrate
what’s different about Ruby.
Callbacks and coroutines crop up all over. In the Visitor design
pattern, users of a collection can visit each item in turn, doing “X”
with each. Event handlers use callbacks, too: “Do X whenever there’s a
mouse click on me.” In C, you’d use function pointers; in Java, you’d
use inner classes or design a pair of cooperating classes. Ruby
implements callbacks with code blocks, pieces of code contained between
curly braces or the keywords do and end. Code blocks can be passed to a
method; inside the method, the yield keyword executes the code block as
if it were inlined. If yield has parameters, these get passed to the block.
Doesn’t sound like much? Wait till you see blocks in action. For
example, to initialize, utilize and dispose of a resource, you might see
Java boilerplate like:
File aFile = new File(“input.txt”);
BufferedReader rdr =
new BufferedReader(new FileReader(aFile));
handleLines(aFile); // process all the lines
Ruby internalizes the boilerplate. Its File.open() method can accept a
block of code. Deep down, open() yields to the block; after it runs,
control passes back to open(), which closes the file.
Ignoring exception processing (which adds 4-5 lines to each example),
the Ruby syntax is a one-liner:
File.open(“input.txt”) { |aFile| handleLines(aFile) }
Ruby also implements iterators with code blocks, which leads to a
natural style that’s brief and readable. Let’s flesh out our example a
bit, replacing handleLines with code that prints each line to standard
output. We’ll exploit Ruby’s File.each_line() method to iterate over the
file, and include exception processing, too. No loops, return values or
end conditions:
File.open(“input.txt”) do |aFile|
aFile.each_line {|aString| puts(aString)}
rescue SystemCallError
handleException # defined elsewhere
A world-beater? Probably not. Still, it’s more straightforward than the
13-line Java equivalent. I’m not just whaling on Java’s class library,
here; it’s no coincidence that Ruby’s File provides the useful open()
method and the each_line() iterator. Rather, the availability of blocks
makes it so simple to build iterators and suchlike that when you need
them, you’ll find themeven in your own classes. In fact, you can
exploit existing code in your classes, too, via Ruby’s analogue to
multiple inheritance. Although Ruby is a single-inheritance language,
mixins can give a class behavior from more than just one ancestor.
For example, suppose you have a Programmer class that needs to support
comparison operators based on average number of defects per line of code
(for example, rick > finn). All that Programmer has to do is implement
the comparison method <=> (returning -1, 0 or 1 for less than, equals or
greater than), and you can mix in Ruby’s Comparable module. Now your
class suddenly sports the operators <, <=, ==, >= and >. If you have an
aggregate class Team for groups of programmers and build an each method
for visiting each in turn, you can mix in the Enumerable module-now Team
magically has methods for searching and sorting. To find objects
matching a pattern, use grep; find_all returns an array of objects
matching a criterion (which you pass in via yet another block), sort
returns an array of Programmer objects sorted on
defects-per-linethere’s more, but you get the idea.
Duck Typing
If you were raised on strongly typed languages like Pascal, C or Java,
you probably believe that I’m trying to pull a fast one. “Wait a minute,
just how does Enumerable even know that Team has an each method?” Well,
it doesn’t until runtime; enter Duck Typing. (Dave Thomas: “If it looks
like a duck and quacks like a duck
”) In other words, an object’s type
depends only on the messages it responds to; the determination is made
at runtime, when the method is called. If it exists, all goes
swimmingly; if not, an exception is thrown.
It sounds dangerous to us strongly typed types: We’re used to a Compiler
Cop standing between anarchy and us. But in my experience, Duck Typing
just works; perhaps since it’s so painless to run bits of
scripting-language code, the bugs tend to get worked out early.
You can also modify classes at runtime, enabling introspection and
“metaprogramming.” The latter involves first building infrastructure
methods that modify classes; those can then assume much of the scut
work. For example, to use a persistence engine, you might build a method
addPersist(“foo”, Integer) that would add an integer member “foo” to the
class and set up storage and accessor methods in a single stroke.
What’s Not to Like?
Ruby’s not entirely wart-free. Matz admits that “Ruby’s local scoping
rule is too complex.” And, “Some class libraries are not consistent with
others. This is because they’re not designed by me. I wish I had enough
time, power and knowledge to implement them all in a consistent manner.”
Some love the power of redefining classes at runtime; others think
that’s dangerous: “Three things are most perilous: Connectors that
corrode/Unproven algorithms/And self-modifying code.” (from Duane Elms’
song; “Threes, rev. 1.1, The Programmer’s Anthem,” 1988)
Weasel No More
Should you learn Ruby? If you have only compiled languages in your
toolbox, definitely yesscripting languages offer excellent bang for the
buck. Ruby excels at “glue” code, pulling OS tools together with
libraries from other languages. If you like Perl but would prefer
cleaner object-orientation, Ruby is a shoo-in. If you’re up-to-speed on
Python, it’s a harder question; I personally had an easier time learning
Ruby, but at the end of the day, your productivity in each might not
differ hugely.
Finally, don’t think of time spent learning a language as time lost.
Even if you go back to your standard, you’ll be a better developer,
aware of alternatives. That freshly aired mind will make you a clearer,
more critical thinkerand you’ll spend less time debugging!
Efficient, Invisible Fun
The buzz on Ruby
“The most important concepts in Ruby can be written in the letters FUN
and JOY. Programming is supposed to be fun, but for various reasons, we
often forget that. Ruby helps you to remember programming joy again.”
Yukihiro Matsumoto, Ruby creator
“Ruby works because it allows me to write code in terms of my user’s
problems, rather than in terms of language technicalities. This match
leads to great efficiencies: When the client wants a change, the
language they use to describe it is very similar to the code needed to
implement it.”
Dave Thomas, author of The Pragmatic Programmer
“I’d been programming in Perl for years, and while I don’t share the
anti-Perl sentiments of a lot of Ruby programmers, once I saw Ruby and
realized you could do all that cool stuff and have the code look so
elegant and sleek, I was hooked. As I work on a Ruby program and get
things more and more right, the code seems to disappear gradually from
the screen.”
David Alan Black, Associate Professor of Communication at Seton Hall
Supporting Cast
Ruby downloads, libraries and projects
The Ruby source distribution includes the interpreter, standard class
library, interactive environment, debugger, profiler and Ruby syntax
support for emacs, and requires a GNU-compatible C compiler. Prebuilt
packages are also available for Windows and other OSes.
* The standard source distribution is at
www.ruby-lang.org/en/download.html; the official English-language home
page is Ruby Programming Language.
* There are several prebuilt packages for Windows. The one I use
includes an installer, language documentation, and the SciTE
syntax-highlighting editor:
* The Ruby Application Archive is the Ruby community’s answer to
Perl’s CPAN, a huge list of open-source programs, libraries and
utilities for Ruby: www.ruby-lang.org/en/raa.html.
* Ruby syntax support for Visual SlickEdit:
* Ruby syntax support for CodeWright:
Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos.
* Ruby Electric XML, a popular XML-support library:
* The start of an effort to port Ruby to .NET; “It maybe works (in
near future)”:
Online: Ruby Programming Language
System Requirements:
Ruby is open source, and can be obtained for a number of platforms:
various flavors of UNIX (including Linux), DOS, Windows
95/98/NT/2000/XP, Mac OSX, BeOS, Amiga, Acorn Risc OB and OS/2. It ships
with Red Hat and other Linux distributions, and with Jaguar (Mac OSX 10.2).
Rating: 4 stars The Rate Sheet
1. Ruby has expressive, clean, readable syntax.
2. It's scalable, suitable for quick scripts as well as sizable
3. It really is funthings tend to work the first time.
1. I've been bitten myself by that local-scoping thing.
2. Support and tool availability: You can still fit all the Ruby
books in a backpack.
3. The libraries are less extensive than Java’s or Python’s.
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