> > > (IMHO, it might be a great idea to switch to a more recent version of
> > > Visual C all together, considering that the Express Edition is free, and
> > > can produce non-/NET code, but that's just my opinion).
> > Jumping late on this thread (been away in vacation trip).
> > Switching to VC8/VC9 or even VC7 requires recompilation of
> > dependencies to use the same CRT DLL. Search the list for posts about
> > this.
> > Been raised before, tried several times, and is impossible to
> > accomplish without loosing your brain in the process.
> > I think I will move the MinGW+MSYS building process one step further
> > and use the better Windows alternatives than traditional dependencies
> > (like win_iconv that _why commented previously).
> > You're welcome to join us at One-Click Installer Developement List
> > (http://rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/rubyinstaller-devel\).
> As Mailman does not like my email address ( I don't know why but
> Mailmen refuse to communicate with me at all) I will send the results
> of trying to use the install3 zip archive here.
Weird, are you already registered to other mailing lists in rubyforge?
Probably not. But I cannot subscribe to Debian lists either. And they
are all managed by MailMan so there seems to be a pattern.
> - there is no script for running the rake task(s), and it might not be
> obvious how to run them for people who are not familiar with rake yet.
Well the idea of installer3 is not being used by end-users, but by
developers of Ruby on Windows as "safe bootstrap" that can be
recreated from scratch without huge list of depepdencies to be
manually download, set and everything.
The idea is "Use as much ruby as possible", that means use Rake. We
need some Documentation Love
Well, I consider myself sort of developer but I haven't used Rake so far.
> - there is no default rake action, and one has to look into the
> recipes to find out what are the available actions (download, unpack,
> configure, compile, install)
I didn't add one since was playing with the dependencies recipes. I'm
still not convinced this is the best layout for the code, and even
less for the actions I'm performing.
On the original post I commented the task sequence, but since there is
no documentation...
That's why the script would be helpful
> - rake aborts download action due to execution timeout - probably
> depends on download speed
Yeah, Sourcefor servers often timeout, no other alternative than "try
I do not get a download timeout or it is quite well obfuscated at
least. I get slow download of packages one after another and then I
get something like:
execution timed out
rake aborted
> - bsdtar requires zlib1.dll which is not downloaded. This is not
> normally present in the system although it might be present if you put
> your ruby installation into PATH.
I have a exerb "rake.exe" that weights 600K and is the only executable
I need to bootstrap ruby (without requiring a previous ruby
installation). But if you plan to
I installed the OCI but did not do anything to put the ruby bin
directory into my path, and the installer did not do it either. There
must be a zlib1.dll somewhere in your system but there's none in mine.
It is quite common so it might be installed by some other software.
> -there is some sort of error with directories. It appears the scripts
> fail to create sandbox/ruby_build, and running configure fails because
> the configure script is not found although it appears to be present.
That's because the task sequence is not performed as defined
originally. Can you provide the steps to recreate? maybe a task is
missing the directory as dependency.
Yes, I tried some tasks until I was sure there's nothing that does not
produce any error but it might be that executing the tasks out of
order leaves some fallout.
> Thanks
No, thank you for your time and comments!
Hope you can workaround the mailman issues (or mail directly to
rubyforge staff) and we can collaborate further.
Heh, MailMan is one of the most evil pieces of GNU software out there.
First it used to have broken web templates that rendered the text
nearly invisible for me (and these took years to fix, and even years
after they were fixed upstream they are still common on the web), and
now it refuses to send any email to me. If I was not convinced it is
just because it is a poorly developed piece of buggy code (that nobody
wants to touch, let alone upgrade, fearing it would explode) I would
think it hates me
OK, I will try to ask at RF.
On 20/03/2008, Luis Lavena <luislavena@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mar 20, 9:27 am, Michal Suchanek <hramr...@centrum.cz> wrote:
> On 18/03/2008, Luis Lavena <luislav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Mar 16, 2:12 pm, Phillip Gawlowski <cmdjackr...@googlemail.com> > > > wrote: