I know that there are at least three Ruby Windows distributions.
1. One-Click Ruby Installer for Windows --http://rubyinstaller.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl
2. Ruby-mswin32 --Index of /ruby/mswin32/en
3. Ruby MS-Win32 Installer Packages --ActiveScriptRuby and Other packages
What's the official Ruby for Windows binary?
One-Click Installer is based on ruby-mswin32 (garbagecollect) builds.
OCI fill the gaps and include the missing binaries. All build with
obsolete VC6.
Except for the filenames, I cannot understand anything of Ruby MS-
Win32 page or package installation instructions.
One-Click Installer is moving away from VC6 build.
Why don't they join and save time and effort?
Dunno why:
- Tried to contact Ruby-mswin32 maintainer 4 years ago to fix the
"missing dependencies" on the build, never got an answer.
- I have no contact information from the third distro
- I'm the maintainer of One-Click Installer, and I'm open to
suggestions that make Windows user life more easy. Right now going
MinGW path has proven to be a good bet.
Windows users don't understand the concept and power of "community",
they often play alone, like cowboys did in the western movies.
Check rubyinstaller on GitHub, lot of folks keep an eye on it, and a
few ones contribute back.
Lot of users report bugs and download One-Click Installer, but a few
ones step up and contribute back.
Last time I checked, my breath was good, so that's not a reason not to
join efforts. 
On Feb 3, 12:14 am, Heesob Park <pha...@gmail.com> wrote:
Luis Lavena