Trollop version 1.7.1 has been released!
* <>
Trollop is YAFCLAP --- yet another fine commandline argument processor
for Ruby. Trollop is designed to provide the maximal amount of GNU-style
argument processing in the minimum number of lines of code (for you, the
- Simple usage.
- Sensible defaults. No tweaking necessary, much tweaking possible.
- Support for long options, short options, short option bundling,
and automatic type validation and conversion.
- Automatic help message generation, wrapped to current screen width.
- Lots of unit tests.
###### simple ######
require 'trollop'
opts = Trollop::options do
opt :monkey, "Use monkey mode"
opt :goat, "Use goat mode", :default => true
opt :num_limbs, "Set number of limbs", :default => 4
p opts
###### medium ######
require 'trollop'
opts = Trollop::options do
version "test 1.2.3 (c) 2007 William Morgan"
banner <<-EOS
Test is an awesome program that does something very, very important.
test [options] <filenames>+
where [options] are:
opt :ignore, "Ignore incorrect values"
opt :file, "Extra data filename to read in, with a very long option description like this one", :type => String
opt :volume, "Volume level", :default => 3.0
opt :iters, "Number of iterations", :default => 5
Trollop::die :volume, "must be non-negative" if opts[:volume] < 0
Trollop::die :file, "must exist" unless File.exist?(opts[:file]) if opts[:file]
## 1.7.1 / 2008-01-07
* Documentation improvements
* <>
William <>