[ANN] Trollop 1.1 released

Trollop version 1.1 has been released!


Trollop is YAFCLAP --- yet another fine commandline argument
processing library for Ruby. Trollop is designed to provide the
maximal amount of GNU-style argument processing in the minimum number
of lines of code (for you, the programmer).

Trollop provides a nice automatically-generated help page, robust
option parsing, and sensible defaults for everything you don't


  ###### simple ######

  opts = Trollop::options do
    opt :monkey, "Use monkey mode."
    opt :goat, "Use goat model", :default => true
    opt :num_limbs, "Set number of limbs", :default => 4

  p opts

  ###### complex ######

  opts = Trollop::options do
    version "test 1.2.3 (c) 2007 William Morgan"
    banner <<-EOS
  Test is an awesome program that does something very, very important.

         test [options] <filenames>+
  where [options] are:

    opt :ignore, "Ignore incorrect values"
    opt :file, "Extra data filename to read in, with a very long option description like this one", :type => String
    opt :volume, "Volume level", :default => 3.0
    opt :iters, "Number of iterations", :default => 5
  Trollop::die :volume, "must be non-negative" if opts[:volume] < 0
  Trollop::die :file, "must exist" unless File.exists?(opts[:file]) if opts[:file]


* none


== 1.1 / 2007-01-30
* Trollop::options now passes any arguments as block arguments. Since
  instance variables are not properly captured by the block, this
  makes it slightly less noisy to pass them in as local variables.
  (A real-life use for _why's cloaker!)
* Help display now preserves original argument order.
* Trollop::die now also has a single string form in case death is not
  due to a single argument.
* Parser#text now an alias for Parser#banner, and can be called
  multiple times, with the output being placed in the right position
  in the help text.
* Slightly more indicative formatting for parameterized arguments.



William <wmorgan-ruby-talk@masanjin.net>

Hello William,


* none

I beg to differ:
$ gem dependency trollop
Gem trollop-1.1
  hoe (>= 1.1.7)

$ gem dependency hoe
Gem hoe-1.1.7
  rubyforge (>= 0.4.0)
  rake (>= 0.7.1)

So in effect, Trollop depends on Hoe and Rubyforge. Do you know any
way to not depend on hoe ? I would like to find out, so I can use
Trollop in Piston and not bother with Hoe.

My understanding is that Hoe allows you to generate gems. Is it still
useful after the initial generation ?

Thanks !


2007/1/30, William Morgan <wmorgan-ruby-talk@masanjin.net>:
François Beausoleil

Can we NOT start with this again??


On Jan 30, 2007, at 9:52 PM, Francois Beausoleil wrote:

So in effect, Trollop depends on Hoe and Rubyforge. Do you know any
way to not depend on hoe ? I would like to find out, so I can use
Trollop in Piston and not bother with Hoe.

As usual, the path to enlightenment is cuts through the garden of education:

For the benefit of the OP, here is the (somewhat long) discussion that
went on on this topic recently:

And here is one solution:



On 1/31/07, Ryan Davis <ryand-ruby@zenspider.com> wrote:

On Jan 30, 2007, at 9:52 PM, Francois Beausoleil wrote:

> So in effect, Trollop depends on Hoe and Rubyforge. Do you know any
> way to not depend on hoe ? I would like to find out, so I can use
> Trollop in Piston and not bother with Hoe.

Can we NOT start with this again??



2007/1/31, Ryan Davis <ryand-ruby@zenspider.com>:

Can we NOT start with this again??

I am *so* sorry. Thinking back, I do remember seeing messages to that effect.

I forgot to check the archives.

Thanks for reminding me.

Bye !
François Beausoleil

Harold Hausman wrote:


On Jan 30, 2007, at 9:52 PM, Francois Beausoleil wrote:
> So in effect, Trollop depends on Hoe and Rubyforge. Do you know any
> way to not depend on hoe ? I would like to find out, so I can use
> Trollop in Piston and not bother with Hoe.

And here is one solution:
Evan Weaver

That's the solution for gem-makers. For gem-installers, it's:
   gem install trollop --ignore-dependencies
   vi $RUBYLIB/gems/1.8/specifications/trollop-1.1.gemspec

(Is there a simpler/cleaner way?)


Excerpts from Francois Beausoleil's message of Wed Jan 31 08:04:24 -0800 2007:

I am *so* sorry. Thinking back, I do remember seeing messages to that

Thanks for bringing this up. I was unaware of the issue.

I've released version 1.2, which has no dependency on hoe.


William <wmorgan-ruby-talk@masanjin.net>

WIMP! Don't give in to them!


On Jan 31, 2007, at 9:27 AM, William Morgan wrote:

Thanks for bringing this up. I was unaware of the issue.
I've released version 1.2, which has no dependency on hoe

Excerpts from Ryan Davis's message of Wed Jan 31 10:50:30 -0800 2007:

WIMP! Don't give in to them!



William <wmorgan-ruby-talk@masanjin.net>