[ANN] Test::Unit::Mock: Mock objects for testing with Test::Unit

Hi fellow Rubyists,

I’d like to announce the initial release of Test::Unit::Mock, a mock
object class for Test::Unit test suites.

Test-Unit-Mock is a class for conveniently building mock objects in
Test::Unit test cases. It is based on ideas in Ruby/Mock by Nat Pryce,
but is a bit (IMHO) easier to use, and more flexible.

It allows you do make a mocked object that will respond to all the
methods of the real class (albeit probably not with correct results)
with one line of code. Eg.,

mockSocket = Test::Unit::MockObject( TCPSocket ).new

You can then specify return values for the methods you wish to test in
one of several different ways:

Make the #addr method return three cycling values (which will be

repeated when it reaches the end

mockSocket.setReturnValues( :addr => [
[“AF_INET”, 23, “localhost”, “”],
[“AF_INET”, 80, “slashdot.org”, “”],
[“AF_INET”, 2401, “helium.ruby-lang.org”, “”],
] )

Make the #write and #read methods call a Proc and a Method,


mockSocket.setReturnValues( :write => Proc::new {|str| str.length},
:read => method(:fakeRead) )

Set up the #getsockopt method to return a value based on the

arguments given:

mockSocket.setReturnValues( :getsockopt => {
[Socket::SOL_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY] => [0].pack(“i_”),
[Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_REUSEADDR] => [1].pack(“i_”),
} )

You can also set the order in which you expect methods to be called, but
you don’t have to do so if you don’t care:

mockSocket.setCallOrder( :addr, :getsockopt, :write, :read, :write )

By default, when testing for call order, other method calls may be
interspersed between the calls specified without effect, and only a
missing or misordered method call causes the assertions to fail. If you
want the call order to be adhered to strictly, you can set that:

mockSocket.strictCallOrder = true

Then, when you’re ready to test, just activate the object and send it
off to whatever code you’re testing:

testedObject.setSocket( mockSocket )

Check method call order on the mocked socket (adds assertions)


Assertion failures contain a message that specifies exactly what went
wrong, eg.:

$ ruby misc/readmecode.rb

1) Failure!!!

test_incorrectorder(MockTestExperiment) [./mock.rb:255]:
Call order assertion failed: Expected call to :write, but got
call to :read from misc/readmecode.rb:77:in `test_incorrectorder’
at 0.00045 instead

2) Failure!!!

test_missingcall(MockTestExperiment) [./mock.rb:255]:
Call order assertion failed: Missing call to :read.

If you require more advanced functionality, you can also use the mocked
object class as a superclass:

Create a mock socket class

class MockSocket < Test::Unit::MockObject( TCPSocket )
def initialize
setCallOrder( :read, :read, :read, :write, :read )
strictCallOrder = true
@io = ''

   def read( len )
       super # Call the mocked method to record the call
       rval = @io[0,len]
       @io[0,len] = ''

       return rval

   def write( str )
       super # Call the mocked method to record the call
       @io += str
       return str.length


You can also add debugging to your tests to give you a timestamped
history of each call to the mock object:

Call the methods in the correct order

mockSocket.getsockopt( Socket::SOL_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY )
mockSocket.write( “foo” )
mockSocket.read( 1024 )
mockSocket.write( “bar” )
mockSocket.read( 4096 )

Check method call order on the mocked socket


puts “Call trace:\n\t” + mockSocket.callTrace.join("\n\t")

This outputs something like:

Call trace:
addr( ) at 0.00015 seconds from readmecode.rb:64:in test' getsockopt( 6,1 ) at 0.00030 seconds from readmecode.rb:65:intest’
write( “foo” ) at 0.00040 seconds from readmecode.rb:66:in test' read( 1024 ) at 0.00050 seconds from readmecode.rb:67:intest’
write( “bar” ) at 0.00063 seconds from readmecode.rb:68:in test' read( 4096 ) at 0.00072 seconds from readmecode.rb:69:intest’

You can read the documentation or download it from the project page at:


I hope it’s useful. Thanks to Nathaniel Talbott for all his work on
Test::Unit, and to Nat Pryce for his on Ruby/Mock.


Michael Granger ged@FaerieMUD.org
Rubymage, Believer, Architect
The FaerieMUD Consortium http://www.FaerieMUD.org/

Excellent! I was actually thinking about such changes to Mock object
myself. I’m glad to find out someone else has already done the work.


On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 20:13, Michael Granger wrote:

Hi fellow Rubyists,

I’d like to announce the initial release of Test::Unit::Mock, a mock
object class for Test::Unit test suites.

Test-Unit-Mock is a class for conveniently building mock objects in
Test::Unit test cases. It is based on ideas in Ruby/Mock by Nat Pryce,
but is a bit (IMHO) easier to use, and more flexible.

– Jim Weirich jweirich@one.net http://w3.one.net/~jweirich

“Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct,
not tried it.” – Donald Knuth (in a memo to Peter van Emde Boas)