[ANN] tagz-5.0.0




   require Tagz

   include Tagz.globally

   a_(:href => "/foo"){ "bar" } #=> <a href="/foo">bar</a>


   tagz.rb is generates html, xml, or any sgml variant like a small ninja
   running across the backs of a herd of giraffes swatting of heads like a
   mark-up weedwacker. weighing in at less than 300 lines of code tagz.rb adds
   an html/xml/sgml syntax to ruby that is both unobtrusive, safe, and available
   globally to objects without the need for any builder or superfluous objects.
   tagz.rb is designed for applications that generate html to be able to do so
   easily in any context without heavyweight syntax or scoping issues, like a
   ninja sword through butter.


   - use as a library or mixin

   - simple, clean and consistent mark-up that is easy to visually
     distinguish from other ruby methods

   - auto-compatibility with rails/actionview

   - ability to independently open and close tagz in markup

   - intelligent auto-escaping of both attributes and content for both html
     and xml

   - validate your html/xml with 'ruby -c' syntax check

   - generally bitchin

   - no lame method_missing approach that prevents tagz like 'type' from being


   in config/environment.rb

     require 'tagz'

   in a helper

     def list_of_users
       ul_(:class => 'users'){
         @users.each{|user| li_{ user }}

   in a view

         rows.each do |row|
             row.each do |cell|
               td_{ cell }

   in a controller

     def ajax_responder
       text =
             rows.each do |row|
                 row.each do |cell|
                   td_{ cell }

       render :text => text


   gem install tagz

     - introduce better escaping for attributes using xchar.rb approach
     - indroduce smart escaping for content
     - make Tagz.globally kick ass more hard
     - note that this version is not backward compatibile if you were relying
       on tagz never escaping any content should be an ok upgrade for most

     - fix a bug with self closing tagz that had crept in 1.0.0 -> 4.2.0. thx
       jeremy hinegardner

     - added tests from 1.0.0 back into svn

     - remove dependancy on cgi lib, tagz is now completely standalone

     - detect rails and auto-include into ActionController::Base and include
       globally into ActionView::Base

     - general lib cleanup
     - introduction of dual-mixin technique (Tagz.globally)
     - few small bug fixes
     - ninja tales


   <========< samples/a.rb >========>

   ~ > cat samples/a.rb


     # in the simplest case tagz generates html using a syntax which safely mixes
     # in to any object

     require 'tagz'
     include Tagz.globally

     class GiraffeModel
       def link
         a_(:href => "/giraffe/neck/42"){ "whack!" }

     puts GiraffeModel.new.link

   ~ > ruby samples/a.rb

     <a href="/giraffe/neck/42">whack!</a>

   <========< samples/b.rb >========>

   ~ > cat samples/b.rb

     # tagz.rb mixes quite easily with your favourite templating engine, avoiding
     # the need for '<% rows.each do |row| %> ... <% row.each do |cell> %> '
     # madness and other types of logic to be coded in the templating language,
     # leaving templating to template engines and logic and looping to ruby -
     # unencumbered by extra funky syntax. in rails tagz will automatically be
     # available in your erb templates.

     require 'tagz'
     include Tagz.globally

     require 'erb'

     rows = %w( a b c ), %w( 1 2 3 )

     template = ERB.new <<-ERB
               rows.each do |row|
                   row.each do |cell|
                     td_{ cell }

     puts template.result(binding)

   ~ > ruby samples/b.rb




   <========< samples/c.rb >========>

   ~ > cat samples/c.rb

     # once you've learned to generate html using tagz you're primed to generate
     # xml too

     require 'tagz'
     include Tagz.globally

     doc =
         giraffe_{ 'large' }
         ninja_{ 'small' }

     puts doc

   ~ > ruby samples/c.rb


   <========< samples/d.rb >========>

   ~ > cat samples/d.rb

     # tagz.rb doesn't cramp your style, allowing even invalid html to be
     # generated. note the use of the 'tagz' method, which can be used both to
     # capture output and to append content to the top of the stack.

     require 'tagz'
     include Tagz.globally

     def header
           body_(:class => 'ninja-like', :id => 'giraffe-slayer')

           ___ "<!-- this is the header -->"

     def footer
         ___ "<!-- this is the footer -->"


     puts header, footer

   ~ > ruby samples/d.rb

     <html><body class="ninja-like" id="giraffe-slayer">
     <!-- this is the header -->

     <!-- this is the footer -->

   <========< samples/e.rb >========>

   ~ > cat samples/e.rb

     # tagz.rb allows a safer method of mixin which requires any tagz methods to be
     # insider a tagz block - tagz generating methods outside a tagz block with
     # raise an error if tagz is included this way. also notice that the error is
     # reported from where it was raised - not from the bowels of the the tagz.rb
     # lib.

     require 'tagz'
     include Tagz

     puts tagz{
      html_{ 'works only in here' }

       html_{ 'not out here' }
     rescue Object => e
       p :backtrace => e.backtrace

   ~ > ruby samples/e.rb

     <html>works only in here</html>

   <========< samples/f.rb >========>

   ~ > cat samples/f.rb

     # tagz.rb can generate really compact html. this is great to save bandwidth
     # but can sometimes make reading the generated html a bit rough. of course
     # using tidy or the dom inspector in firebug obviates the issue; nevertheless
     # it's sometime nice to break things up a little. you can use 'tagz << "\n"'
     # or the special shorthand '__' or '___' to accomplish this

     require 'tagz'
     include Tagz.globally

     html =
         span_{ true }
         span_{ false } # hey ryan, i fixed this :wink:

         ___ 'foo & escaped bar'

     puts html

   ~ > ruby samples/f.rb


     foo & escaped bar

   <========< samples/g.rb >========>

   ~ > cat samples/g.rb

     # tagz gives you low-level control of the output and makes even dashersized
     # xml tagz easy enough to work with

     require 'tagz'
     include Tagz.globally

     xml =
         tagz__('foo-bar', :key => 'foo&bar'){ 'content' }

         tagz.concat 'content'
         tagz.concat tagz.escape('foo&bar')

     puts xml

   ~ > ruby samples/g.rb

     <root><foo-bar key="foo&amp;bar">content</foo-bar><bar-


a @ http://codeforpeople.com/
we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

If you are not using method_missing than I take it one can't use it to
generate arbitrary XML?



On Mar 24, 12:30 am, "ara.t.howard" <ara.t.how...@gmail.com> wrote:

- no lame method_missing approach that prevents tagz like 'type'
from being

Ara Howard wrote:

   tagz.rb is generates html, xml, or any sgml variant like a small
   running across the backs of a herd of giraffes swatting of heads
like a
   mark-up weedwacker.

Looks interesting.

Aside: people looking at this might also be interested in HAML. Several
of your examples look very similar to how I use HAML with Sinatra.

   in a helper

     def list_of_users
       ul_(:class => 'users'){
         @users.each{|user| li_{ user }}

    def list_of_users
      haml :_list_of_users

    @@ _list_of_users
      - @users.each do |user|
        %li&= user

Alternatively it can be done inline:

    def list_of_users
      haml <<HAML
    - @users.each do |user|
      %li&= user

   in a view

         rows.each do |row|
             row.each do |cell|
               td_{ cell }

      - rows.each do |row|
          - row.each do |cell|
            %td&= cell

   in a controller

     def ajax_responder
       text =
             rows.each do |row|
                 row.each do |cell|
                   td_{ cell }

       render :text => text

     def ajax_responder
       haml :_ajax_table

     @@ _ajax_table
       - rows.each do |row|
           - row.each do |cell|
             %td&= cell

I can see that tagz works particularly well where you want to generate
HTML snippets directly inline with your code. The inline form of HAML is
a bit icky because it needs to align with the left-hand edge. You could
fix this with a helper, but I prefer partials because they are easily
precompiled and cached.




Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Hi Ara,


   - use as a library or mixin

   - simple, clean and consistent mark-up that is easy to visually
     distinguish from other ruby methods

   - auto-compatibility with rails/actionview

   - ability to independently open and close tagz in markup

   - intelligent auto-escaping of both attributes and content for both
     and xml

   - validate your html/xml with 'ruby -c' syntax check

   - generally bitchin

   - no lame method_missing approach that prevents tagz like 'type'
from being

How does tagz handle namespaces? I have to say that what you've done
here looks very impressive, and it seems to be exactly the kind of thing
I was looking for. However, I need to make sure it has support for
namespaces, both for elements and for attributes before I can start
using it in anger.

Any examples/thoughts on how this could be done?




On Tue, 2009-03-24 at 13:30 +0900, ara.t.howard wrote:
Andrew S. Townley <ast@atownley.org>

it uses method_missing, just not in a lame way :wink:

cfp:~ > ruby -r tagz -e' include Tagz.globally; puts anything_{ you_{ want_{ "can be generated" } } } '
<anything><you><want>can be generated</want></you></anything>

cfp:~ > ruby -r tagz -e' include Tagz.globally; raises_an_error{} '
-e:1: undefined method `raises_an_error' for main:Object (NoMethodError)

it is also very clever

cfp:~ > cat a.rb
require 'tagz'
include Tagz.globally

a = this_{ is_{ '<escaped>' } }
puts a

b = this_{ is_not_double_escaped_{ a } }
puts b

cfp:~ > ruby a.rb


a @ http://codeforpeople.com/


On Mar 23, 2009, at 10:48 PM, trans wrote:

On Mar 24, 12:30 am, "ara.t.howard" <ara.t.how...@gmail.com> wrote:

   - no lame method_missing approach that prevents tagz like 'type'
from being

If you are not using method_missing than I take it one can't use it to
generate arbitrary XML?

we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

Ara Howard wrote:

  tagz.rb is generates html, xml, or any sgml variant like a small
  running across the backs of a herd of giraffes swatting of heads
like a
  mark-up weedwacker.

Looks interesting.

Aside: people looking at this might also be interested in HAML. Several
of your examples look very similar to how I use HAML with Sinatra.

you mean combining erb with the dsl i assume?

    def ajax_responder
      haml :_ajax_table

    @@ _ajax_table
      - rows.each do |row|
          - row.each do |cell|
            %td&= cell

I can see that tagz works particularly well where you want to generate
HTML snippets directly inline with your code. The inline form of HAML is
a bit icky because it needs to align with the left-hand edge. You could
fix this with a helper, but I prefer partials because they are easily
precompiled and cached.

i've used this

     def unindent! s
       indent = nil
       s.each do |line|
         next if line =~ %r/^\s*$/
         indent = line[%r/^\s*/] and break
       s.gsub! %r/^#{ indent }/, "" if indent

     def unindent s
       unindent! "#{ s }"

to get around that 'left hand side' issue.


a @ http://codeforpeople.com/


On Mar 24, 2009, at 4:40 AM, Brian Candler wrote:
we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

How does tagz handle namespaces? I have to say that what you've done
here looks very impressive, and it seems to be exactly the kind of thing
I was looking for. However, I need to make sure it has support for
namespaces, both for elements and for attributes before I can start
using it in anger.

Any examples/thoughts on how this could be done?


nothing explicit, but it'd be pretty simple to make some helper methods using this technique

   >> send('foo:bar_', 'bar:foo' => 42){}
   => "<foo:bar bar:foo=\"42\"/>"

i'll mull on that.

a @ http://codeforpeople.com/


On Mar 25, 2009, at 3:11 AM, Andrew S. Townley wrote:
we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

Ara Howard wrote:

you mean combining erb with the dsl i assume?

At a lower level, the use of hashes to represent attributes is
strikingly similar. e.g.

    a_(:href => "/foo"){ "bar" }

compared to HAML:

    %a{:href => "/foo"} bar
    %a{:href => "/foo"}= "bar"

HAML lets you put any Ruby expression inside %a{...} which returns a
hash. Of course, tagz is real Ruby code, whereas HAML is its own

The other thing which struck me was your use of nesting to build tables.
HAML really excels here, and the indentation-driven syntax means you
don't have to balance the closing parts. Somehow I find this more
natural for web page templates than for code.

i've used this

     def unindent! s

Yes, that's the sort of thing I was thinking of. HAML like this would
still need to go via a compilation phase each time it is executed,
whereas tagz is just run. Hence the benefit to keeping HAML snippets
separate and cached.




Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Not in a lame way, but in a way that means it can't be used in some
architectures. This is a very simplified version of what I'm really
doing, but it shows the problem. I'm using Builder like this:

require 'rubygems'
require 'builder'
require 'erb'

class BindingMaker
  def get_binding; binding; end
  def do_your_thing
    s = ""
    Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target => s).div(testing)
    puts s
  def testing
    "it worked"

ERB.new("<% do_your_thing %>").result(BindingMaker.new.get_binding)
#=><div>it worked</div>

I'd like to switch to Tagz here but its method_missing isn't coming back
to my BindingMaker to resolve unrecognized terminology:

require 'rubygems'
require 'tagz'
require 'erb'

class BindingMaker
  def get_binding; binding; end
  def do_your_thing
    puts Tagz {div_ {testing()}}
  def testing
    "it worked"

ERB.new("<% do_your_thing %>").result(BindingMaker.new.get_binding)
#=> NoMethodError: undefined method 'testing' for Tagz:Module



ara.t.howard <ara.t.howard@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mar 23, 2009, at 10:48 PM, trans wrote:

> On Mar 24, 12:30 am, "ara.t.howard" <ara.t.how...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> - no lame method_missing approach that prevents tagz like 'type'
>> from being
>> generated
> If you are not using method_missing than I take it one can't use it to
> generate arbitrary XML?

it uses method_missing, just not in a lame way :wink:

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It might be neat to add some more dynamic method magic for this, like:

   foo_in_bar_ { … }

I realize that's a bad example in case you really have a tag with that name, but you get the idea.

James Edward Gray II


On Mar 25, 2009, at 9:23 AM, ara.t.howard wrote:

On Mar 25, 2009, at 3:11 AM, Andrew S. Townley wrote:

How does tagz handle namespaces? I have to say that what you've done
here looks very impressive, and it seems to be exactly the kind of thing
I was looking for. However, I need to make sure it has support for
namespaces, both for elements and for attributes before I can start
using it in anger.

Any examples/thoughts on how this could be done?


nothing explicit, but it'd be pretty simple to make some helper methods using this technique

>> send('foo:bar_', 'bar:foo' => 42){}
=> "<foo:bar bar:foo=\"42\"/>"

i'll mull on that.


If you had to register the namespaces first in some kind of tagz
registry, maybe you could do something by handling the NameError when
you did:

foo.bar_('bar:foo' => 42)

If it had registered a namespace prefix of foo, then it'd just "do the
right thing", otherwise, you'd get the normal name error. This would
probably be the most logical syntax, but it's way beyond my Ruby magical
abilities to figure out how to actually make it work.

Still, I think it'd be the most readable of the proposed approaches...
I don't want to have to find unicode characters on my keyboard! :slight_smile:




On Wed, 2009-03-25 at 23:23 +0900, ara.t.howard wrote:

On Mar 25, 2009, at 3:11 AM, Andrew S. Townley wrote:

> How does tagz handle namespaces? I have to say that what you've done
> here looks very impressive, and it seems to be exactly the kind of
> thing
> I was looking for. However, I need to make sure it has support for
> namespaces, both for elements and for attributes before I can start
> using it in anger.
> Any examples/thoughts on how this could be done?
> Cheers,

nothing explicit, but it'd be pretty simple to make some helper
methods using this technique

   >> send('foo:bar_', 'bar:foo' => 42){}
   => "<foo:bar bar:foo=\"42\"/>"

i'll mull on that.

Andrew S. Townley <ast@atownley.org>


one thing i *really* like about tagz, for real mark-up coding, is that i can use % in vim to match open/close tags in vim (or whatever your fav is) and also can use 'ruby -c' to validate my markup. because it is valid ruby code you get all the ruby goodness and ruby editor goodness for free. it was a side effect i hadn't intended when writing it but have grown to rely on - sorta like tab completion: i just can't go back to visually scanning to make sure xml is balanced and correct :wink: my goal is generally to factor out enough tagz so my erb templates fit on one screen and then i just trust tagz/ruby for the rest.


a @ http://codeforpeople.com/


On Mar 24, 2009, at 9:43 AM, Brian Candler wrote:

Ara Howard wrote:

you mean combining erb with the dsl i assume?

At a lower level, the use of hashes to represent attributes is
strikingly similar. e.g.

   a_(:href => "/foo"){ "bar" }

compared to HAML:

   %a{:href => "/foo"} bar
   %a{:href => "/foo"}= "bar"

HAML lets you put any Ruby expression inside %a{...} which returns a
hash. Of course, tagz is real Ruby code, whereas HAML is its own

The other thing which struck me was your use of nesting to build tables.
HAML really excels here, and the indentation-driven syntax means you
don't have to balance the closing parts. Somehow I find this more
natural for web page templates than for code.

we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

you are trying too hard :wink:

cfp:~ > cat a.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'tagz'
require 'erb'

class BindingMaker
   include Tagz.globally

   def get_binding; binding; end

   def do_your_thing
     puts div_{ testing }

   def testing
     "it worked"

ERB.new("<% do_your_thing %>").result(BindingMaker.new.get_binding)
# <div>it worked</div>

cfp:~ > ruby a.rb
<div>it worked</div>

tagz can be used as a library, like you were using it, but in that case you need to be explicit about the receiver. tagz is much simpler to use in it's primary capacity - as mix-in - it is in this way that completely POLS sgml generation and context/binding sensitivity can be had. the binding hack traditional builders use is there precisely to disambiguate between contexts - tagz simply avoids the issue altogether. that's what i meant by 'lame': it's totally open, and yet in a separate context with the builder pattern.

kind regards.

a @ http://codeforpeople.com/


On Mar 24, 2009, at 10:56 AM, matt neuburg wrote:

I'd like to switch to Tagz here but its method_missing isn't coming back
to my BindingMaker to resolve unrecognized terminology:

we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

Set the $KCODE and use a unicode character as the separator for namespaces ...

$KCODE = 'u'
foo¦bar_('bar:foo' => 42) #=> "<foo:bar bar:foo=\"42\">"



On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:21 AM, James Gray <james@grayproductions.net> wrote:

On Mar 25, 2009, at 9:23 AM, ara.t.howard wrote:

On Mar 25, 2009, at 3:11 AM, Andrew S. Townley wrote:

How does tagz handle namespaces? I have to say that what you've done
here looks very impressive, and it seems to be exactly the kind of thing
I was looking for. However, I need to make sure it has support for
namespaces, both for elements and for attributes before I can start
using it in anger.

Any examples/thoughts on how this could be done?


nothing explicit, but it'd be pretty simple to make some helper methods
using this technique

>> send('foo:bar_', 'bar:foo' => 42){}
=> "<foo:bar bar:foo=\"42\"/>"

i'll mull on that.

It might be neat to add some more dynamic method magic for this, like:

foo_in_bar_ { … }

I realize that's a bad example in case you really have a tag with that name,
but you get the idea.

i actually did that with xx at one point.

i think that, or some proxy object is the way to go.

a @ http://codeforpeople.com/


On Mar 25, 2009, at 9:21 AM, James Gray wrote:

It might be neat to add some more dynamic method magic for this, like:

foo_in_bar_ { … }

I realize that's a bad example in case you really have a tag with that name, but you get the idea.

we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

how about this

cfp:~ > cat a.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'tagz'

class Namespace
   def initialize &block
     @ns = block.call.to_s
     @context = block
     @self = eval 'self', block

   instance_methods.each{|m| undef_method if m[%r/__/]}

   def method_missing m, *a, &b
     if m.to_s[%r/^_|_$/]
       @self.send("#{ @ns }:#{ m }", *a, &b)
       "#{ @ns }:#{ m }"

include Tagz.globally

a = Namespace.new{ :a }
b = Namespace.new{ :b }

xml =
     a.foo_(b.bar => 'bar'){ 'content' }
     b.bar_(a.foo => 'foo'){ 'content' }

puts xml

cfp:~ > ruby a.rb
<a:root><a:foo b:bar="bar">content</a:foo><b:bar a:foo="foo">content</b:bar></a:root>

a @ http://codeforpeople.com/


On Mar 25, 2009, at 2:17 PM, Andrew S. Townley wrote:


If you had to register the namespaces first in some kind of tagz
registry, maybe you could do something by handling the NameError when
you did:

foo.bar_('bar:foo' => 42)

If it had registered a namespace prefix of foo, then it'd just "do the
right thing", otherwise, you'd get the normal name error. This would
probably be the most logical syntax, but it's way beyond my Ruby magical
abilities to figure out how to actually make it work.

Still, I think it'd be the most readable of the proposed approaches...
I don't want to have to find unicode characters on my keyboard! :slight_smile:


we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

I have been using haml out of necessity recently (sinatra), erb is too much like hard work.
I find that haml is deeply frustrating as getting the whitespace right to nest things properly is, quite frankly, a pain.
Markaby used the right sort of syntax I think and therefore I am mightily intrigued by Tagz.

Is it fast??

Thankyou Ara - I will try it our tomorrow.

Brian Candler wrote:


Ara Howard wrote:

you mean combining erb with the dsl i assume?
At a lower level, the use of hashes to represent attributes is strikingly similar. e.g.

    a_(:href => "/foo"){ "bar" }

compared to HAML:

    %a{:href => "/foo"} bar
    %a{:href => "/foo"}= "bar"

HAML lets you put any Ruby expression inside %a{...} which returns a hash. Of course, tagz is real Ruby code, whereas HAML is its own language.

The other thing which struck me was your use of nesting to build tables. HAML really excels here, and the indentation-driven syntax means you don't have to balance the closing parts. Somehow I find this more natural for web page templates than for code.

i've used this

     def unindent! s
Yes, that's the sort of thing I was thinking of. HAML like this would still need to go via a compilation phase each time it is executed, whereas tagz is just run. Hence the benefit to keeping HAML snippets separate and cached.



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matchit.vim :slight_smile:



On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 10:32 PM, ara.t.howard <ara.t.howard@gmail.com> wrote:

sorta like tab completion: i just can't go back to visually scanning to make
sure xml is balanced and correct :wink: my goal is generally to factor out

Ara Howard wrote:

one thing i *really* like about tagz, for real mark-up coding, is that
i can use % in vim to match open/close tags in vim (or whatever your
fav is) and also can use 'ruby -c' to validate my markup.


i just can't go back to visually scanning to make sure xml is balanced
and correct :wink:

With HAML, such validation isn't necessary: it always generates
well-formed XML, and there are no close tags to match.

You can write invalid HAML of course. The standalone 'haml' command-line
tool would probably validate it, but I haven't felt the need. My
controller tests flag if the HAML fails to compile.

What you *do* need with HAML is an editor which will indent/outdent a
block by two spaces - I use joe - but this is a commonly-needed edit
operation for Ruby code anyway.


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

you are trying too hard :wink:

Well, it wouldn't be the first time!

class BindingMaker
   include Tagz.globally

tagz can be used as a library, like you were using it, but in that
case you need to be explicit about the receiver. tagz is much simpler
to use in it's primary capacity - as mix-in

Sorry, I knew about this approach and was avoiding it. I think it was
the term "globally" that had me scared off. This usually means, uh,
globally. But thanks to your hint, I see it is just an include like any
other. So what I really want to do is more like this:

b = BindingMaker.new
class << b; include Tagz.globally; end

This way I can use Tagz in that instance of the BindingMaker and nothing
else in my universe is affected. This should be perfect! Thx for the
nudge - m.


ara.t.howard <ara.t.howard@gmail.com> wrote:

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