[ANN] tagz-1.0.0


   object mixin for squeaky clean and super speedy generation of any sgml
   (html/xml) tags using a private dsl

     + module level interface

         require 'tagz'

         html =
               body_(:class => 'container'){
                 div_{ 'content' }

     + private mixin interface

         require 'tagz'

         class Table < ::Array
           include Tagz

           def initialize width, height
             @width, @height = width, height

           def to_row
               table_(:width => @width, :height => @height){
                 each do |row|
                     row.each{|cell| td_{ cell }}

   tagz.rb offers a mixin module which adds four private methods to the calling


   because the mixing adds only private methods it's safe to use, for instance,
   in the controller of a web framework which exposes methods to the world as
   http actions

   the method_missing tagz.rb adds *only* works from inside a Tagz{}/tagz{}
   block, for instance

     include Tagz

     tagz{ h1_{ 'this works' } }

     h1_{ 'this throws NameError' }

   tagz.rb is very non-restrictive, allowing you to generate invalid html,
   html4, xml, whatever, all using the same simple interface

   for example

     require 'tagz'
     include Tagz

       div_(:class => 'pinky'){ 'content' }

     #=> <div class="pinky">content</div>

       img_(:src => 'foo.png')
       img_(:src => 'foo.png'){}

     #=> <img src="foo.png">
     #=> <img src="foo.png" />


     #=> <br>
     #=> <br />

       span_('content', :style => 'color:mauve')

     #=> <span style="color:mauve">content</span>

       div_(:class => 'container'){
         span_('content', :style => 'color:mauve')

     #=> <div class="container"><span style="color:mauve">content</


       div_(:class => 'container')
         span_('content', :style => 'color:mauve')

     #=> <div class="container"><span style="color:mauve">content</


       table_(:width => 42{
         %w( 1 2 3 ).each do |row|
             row.each{|cell| td_{ cell }}

     #=> <table width="42"><tr><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>3</td></tr></

     # note that the return value of the table block ( the array %w( 1 2 3 )
     # is *NOT* added to the content. the rule is: add the return value of
     # the block if, and only if, the block did not add any content itself
     # during evaluation

         div_{ 'content' }
         'this is ignored'

     #=> <div><div>content</div></div>

     # this is a side effect of the above rule

         'this is not ignored, see above rule'

     #=> <div>this is not ignored, see above rule</div>

         div_{ 'content' }
         tagz << 'this is appended' << ' and so is this'

     #=> <div><div>content</div>this is appended and so is this</div>

         tagz << 'valid html'

     #=> <a><b><c>valid html</a></b></c></invalid>



       a_{ 'content' }

       __ __
       b_{ 'content' }

       __ __ __
       c_{ 'content' }

     #=> \n<a>content</a>\n\n<b>content</b>\n\n\n<c>content</c>

     # note that \n is newline. the html tagz generates is quite compact,
     # you can do 'tagz << "\n"' or just use the '__' method to output some
     # linebreaks

       link = e(:a, :href => 'foo.com'){ 'link text' }

       div_{ link }

     #=> <div><a href="foo.com">link text</a>

   a couple of notes: *none* of the method_missing magic is available outside
   the 'tagz' block and, even inside, it supers-up when the missing method does
   not look like a tag method. you can use Tagz{} as a module method but to
   have access to @ivars you'll want to mixin the module to your own class and
   use tagz{}. no public methods are added to your object, only four private

     totally reworked tagz, dropping 300 loc - only 170 loc now. this release
     is *NOT* backward compatible with other tagz versions, though the api is
     very very close. the rework makes tagz safer to mixin, faster, and
     produces nicer looking html. this version also marks ramaze template

   gem install tagz



a @ http://codeforpeople.com/
we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama