[ANN] sys-proctable 0.8.0

Hi everyone,

I'm happy to announce the release of sys-proctable 0.8.0.

The sys-proctable library is a Ruby interface for getting at process
table information.

There are a lot of changes, but here are the highlights:

* The Linux and Solaris versions are now pure Ruby.
* The Solaris version now only supports 2.8 and later.
* Bug fixes all around ranging from bad struct members to dealing with
spaces properly.
* Some ProcessTableStruct members have changed.

See the CHANGES file for all the gory details.

To install the latest version, use "gem install sys-proctable". Note
that some platforms may explicitly require the "--platform=" option.

You can also get the source from the RubyForge project page at
http://www.rubyforge.org/projects/sysutils *



* The tarballs I originally uploaded still contained a bug in Linux.
If you downloaded the tarball prior to today, please download the
version that is now on RubyForge. The gems are fine, however.