Time: 7:00-8:30pm
Location: 1670 CSE (http://cma.hurleyhome.com/SEMI%20Ruby%20Map.pdf)
(if you are not familiar with campus don't be intimidated, ask on the
mailing list (http://lists.rubymi.org/listinfo.cgi/rubymi-rubymi.org)
for assistance. I am sure we can arrange a ride or good directions.
Not Sure?
1. Free pizza
2. Free soda
3. Friendly people
1. Talks
1. User Group Challenge
2. ActiveResource presentation by Libersy members
3. RubyConf*MI
2. Open Discussion
Date: Monday, 6 Aug 2007
Our September and October meetings will be in 1200 EECS on 9/10/07 and
10/1/07 (both Mondays), from 7pm-8:30pm.