Time: 7:00-8:30pm
Location: 1670 CSE
Map: http://cma.hurleyhome.com/SEMI%20Ruby%20Map.pdf
if you are not familiar with campus don't be intimidated, ask on the
mailing list (http://lists.rubymi.org/listinfo.cgi/rubymi-rubymi.org)
for assistance. I am sure we can arrange a ride or good directions.
Not Sure?
1. Free pizza
2. Free soda
3. Book give-away
1. Ruby On Rails - Bruce Tate & Curt Hibbs (O'Reilly)
4. Peepcode swag
5. Friendly people
1. Talks
Patrick Hurley - Hobo -> more opinionated Rails
2. RailsConf 2007 & The Mini Meet
3. Open Discussion
Date: Monday, 7 May 2007