[ANN] sandbox 0.0.11 -- taking the i out of eval

From: why the lucky stiff [mailto:ruby-talk@whytheluckystiff.net]
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 10:22 AM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: [ANN] sandbox 0.0.11 -- taking the i out of eval


This module swaps in a new symbol table, so you can basically
manage multiple interpreters at once. There are so many
possibilities for using this. For emulating selector
namespaces, for jailing code.

  >> s = Sandbox.new
  >> s.eval("module Hidden; end")
  => nil
  >> Hidden
  NameError: uninitialized constant Hidden

Very cool. By any chance have you ever looked at Perl's Safe.pm? I'm
just curious if you have any comments as far as comparing and/or
contrasting it with your Sandbox code, or if there are any API features
from Safe.pm that you think would be worth borrowing.



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-----Original Message-----

I'm not saavy enough with Perl's opcodes and its scope rules to say. It looks
like the Sandbox is addressable by the outside environment (as
*{$obj->root()."::$var"}) which isn't yet possible with my extension. Overall,
though, it's surprisingly similar. Also see IO's Core.Sandbox[1] and
TCL's interp[2] from which I took cues.

Thankyou for bringing this module up, though, I will definitely mine it for
ideas featurewise. Equivalents for `share` and `rdo` sub are definitely

Loading from a file `rdo` is a great example of how luscious this extension can be.
The master scope could load code from a Socket:
<http://balloon.hobix.com/serve.rb&gt; but the Sandbox could have wrappers for
Sockets and Files which would prompt the user for permission.


[1] http://www.iolanguage.com/docs/reference/browser.cgi?path=Core+Sandbox
[2] Tcl - interp (n)


On Thu, Jul 20, 2006 at 01:35:52AM +0900, Berger, Daniel wrote:

Very cool. By any chance have you ever looked at Perl's Safe.pm? I'm
just curious if you have any comments as far as comparing and/or
contrasting it with your Sandbox code, or if there are any API features
from Safe.pm that you think would be worth borrowing.