[ANN] ruby2ruby 1.1.8 Released

ruby2ruby version 1.1.8 has been released!

* <http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/>
* <http://rubyforge.org/projects/seattlerb>

ruby2ruby provides a means of generating pure ruby code easily from
ParseTree's Sexps. This makes making dynamic language processors much
easier in ruby than ever before.


### 1.1.8 / 2007-08-21

* 6 minor enhancements:

   * Added super awesome .autotest file. YAY!
   * Removed nil.method_missing... too many ppl bitching about it.
   * Renamed RubyToRuby (the class name) to Ruby2Ruby.
   * Restructured self-translation tests so they were friendlier when dying.
   * Strings are now always one line long only.
   * Fully in sync with ParseTree and ruby_parser.

* 2 bug fixes:

   * Fixed a number of issues/bugs discovered via ruby_parser.
   * Cleaned out some dead code and hacks we don't need anymore.

* <http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/>
* <http://rubyforge.org/projects/seattlerb>