[ANN] ruby_parser 3.19.0 Released

ruby_parser version 3.19.0 has been released!

* home: <GitHub - seattlerb/ruby_parser: ruby_parser is a ruby parser written in pure ruby. It outputs s-expressions which can be manipulated and converted back to ruby via the ruby2ruby gem.>
* bugs: <Issues · seattlerb/ruby_parser · GitHub>
* rdoc: <ruby_parser-3.18.1 Documentation>

ruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing
racc--which does by default use a C extension). It outputs
s-expressions which can be manipulated and converted back to ruby via
the ruby2ruby gem.

As an example:

    def conditional1 arg1
      return 1 if arg1 == 0
      return 0


    s(:defn, :conditional1, s(:args, :arg1),
        s(:call, s(:lvar, :arg1), :==, s(:lit, 0)),
        s(:return, s(:lit, 1)),
      s(:return, s(:lit, 0)))

Tested against 801,039 files from the latest of all rubygems (as of 2013-05):

* 1.8 parser is at 99.9739% accuracy, 3.651 sigma
* 1.9 parser is at 99.9940% accuracy, 4.013 sigma
* 2.0 parser is at 99.9939% accuracy, 4.008 sigma
* 2.6 parser is at 99.9972% accuracy, 4.191 sigma
* 3.0 parser has a 100% parse rate.
  * Tested against 2,672,412 unique ruby files across 167k gems.
  * As do all the others now, basically.


### 3.19.0 / 2022-03-29

* 1 major enhancement:

  * Added tentative 3.1 support.

* 7 minor enhancements:

  * 3.1: bare RHS assoc: { y: } => s(:hash, s(:lit, :y), nil)
  * 3.1: calls w/ unnamed block args (bare &)
  * 3.1: endless defn/defs w/ paren-less calls (aka commands)
  * 3.1: pattern capture to nonlocal vars, eg: ^@a, ^$b, ^@@c
  * 3.1: pattern: ^(expr) => expr
  * Improved steps for adding new versions.
  * Improved steps for running gauntlets.

* 2 bug fixes:

  * Bumped 2.6+ cached versions for rake compare.
  * Skip test_regexp_esc_C_slash on ruby 3.1.0 because of MRI bug.