Hi Folks,
== Introduction ==
Once again, Ruby/Event is a C extension to Niels Provos' libevent. It has nothing to do with calendars and is about doing multiplexed I/O efficiently so that you can write fast as hell clients and servers. In addition Ruby/Event includes a nice little networking framework called Myriad which makes cranking out fast and correct servers easier. Myriad is used to implement a complete SCGI runner for Ruby on Rails as an alternative to FastSCGI.
Grab the goods at http://www.zedshaw.com/projects/ruby_event/
== This Release ==
This is a quick announce of 0.4.2 version of Ruby/Event which features this bit of work:
Which is a fairly complete and correctly implemented telnet protocol implementation and a scripting component that lets you fire up a scripted telnet session. The given example is designed to show launching a large number of scripts simultaneously so that you can load a machine, but it doesn't need to be used that way.
An additional "interesting" thing is that the scripting is done in a weird way. Check this example script:
Which logs into a server, then uses that telnet to login a bunch more. You'll notice it's Ruby, but not quite Ruby with all these strange push/pop commands doing looping. This novelty was done by simply doing an eval on each line, and using a stack to keep track of lines. Might be interesting to some, a complete horror to others.
== Survey ==
What would people be interested in as the next protocol implemented with Myriad? I'm looking at either a correctly implemented HTTP server, SSL support, or something really odd I've been cooking up for a little while I want to call "The Anti-Bot Evil Protocol".
Any requests? Phone lines are open.
Zed A. Shaw