I have released a new version of my realrand gem some days ago.
RealRand hides different online services for generating real random numbers (those that can be derived from natural processes such as lava lamps or radioactive decay) behind a simple API.
Documentation can be found here: http://realrand.rubyforge.org/
This version of realrand works with Ruby 1.9.1 and Ruby 1.8.x.
Simply run 'gem install realrand' or 'gem update' to get the new version.
Maik Schmidt (http://maik-schmidt.de), Software Developer
Enterprise Recipes with Ruby and Rails (http://pragprog.com/titles/msenr/enterprise-recipes-with-ruby-and-rails)
Integration with Ruby (http://pragprog.com/titles/fr_eir/enterprise-integration-with-ruby)
"Start simple or fail!"