Hi, All.
I released RDE0.9.8.0.
RDE is a IDE, the development environment of script language
Ruby on Windows.
From this version, Japanese and English binaries are integrated.
Menus and Captions are customizable by language files.
Key configure file changed.’s default.key is not compatible with’s.
== 2002-10-14
- Menu caption multi language
- AutoScroll
- When dragging with right button click, then scroll.
- BUG Fix: ignore CRLF output in console window.
- Key assigned functions increased.
- Spec of default.key is changed.
- Statusbar: Show context menu when right click on filename.
- Statusbar: Show line count when click on rowcol.
- Etc…
Please try it.
---- sakazuki(QZS01353@nifty.ne.jp)
hp: http://homepage2.nifty.com/sakazuki/