[ANN] opal 1.4.0.alpha1 released

opal version 1.4.0.alpha1 has been released!

* home: https://opalrb.com/
* github: GitHub - opal/opal: Ruby ♥︎ JavaScript

opal is a Ruby to JavaScript compiler, a Ruby runtime in JavaScript and an idiomatic Ruby interface to a web browser and Node.js.

opal is tested with MSpec for the highest level of compatibility with MRI 3.1. It allows you to write complex web application frontends with not a single line of JavaScript.

This release is mostly focused on optimizing the JavaScript output size and performance and Ruby 3.1 support. We plan to publish the final release around the time Ruby 3.1 is released, this is an early release to ensure the ecosystem compatibility and to iron out the introduced bugs.


### Added

- Implement `chomp:` option for `String#each_line` and `#lines` (#2355)
- Ruby 3.1 support and some older Ruby features we missed (#2347)
   - Use parser in 3.1 mode to support new language-level features like hashes/kwargs value omission, the pin operator for pattern matching
   - `Array#intersect?`
   - `String#strip` and `String#lstrip` to also remove NUL bytes
   - `Integer.try_convert`
   - `public`, `private`, `protected`, `module_function` now return their arguments
   - `Class#descendants`, `Class#subclasses`
   - (<=1.8) `Kernel#local_variables`
   - (<=2.3) Set local variables for regexp named captures (`/(?<b>a)/ =~ 'a'` => `b = 'a'`)
   - Remove deprecated `NIL`, `TRUE`, `FALSE` constants
   - `String#unpack` and `String#unpack1` to support an `offset:` kwarg
   - `MatchData#match`, `MatchData#match_length`
   - Enumerable modernization
     - `Enumerable#tally` to support an optional hash accumulator
     - `Enumerable#each_{cons,slice}` to return self
     - `Enumerable#compact`
   - `Refinement` becomes its own class now
   - `Struct#keyword_init?`
   - (pre-3.1) Large Enumerator rework
     - Introduce `Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence`
     - Introduce `Enumerator::Chain`
     - Introduce `Enumerator#+` to create `Enumerator::Chain`s
     - `Enumerator#{rewind,peek,peek_values,next,next_values}`
     - Improve corelib support for beginless/endless ranges and `ArithmeticSequences`
       - `String#[]`, `Array#[]`, `Array#[]=`, `Array#fill`, `Array#values_at`
     - `Range#step` and `Numeric#step` return an `ArithmeticSequence` when `Numeric` values are in play
     - Introduce `Range#%`
     - `Enumerator::Yielder#to_proc`
     - Fix #2367
   - (2.7) `UnboundMethod#bind_call`
   - (Opal) `{Kernel,BasicObject}#{inspect,p,pp,method_missing}` may work with JS native values now, also they now correctly report cycles
   - `Enumerable#sum` uses Kahan's summation algorithm to reduce error with floating point values
   - `File.dirname` supports a new `level` argument
- Vendor in `optparse` and `shellwords` (#2326)
- Preliminary support for compiling the whole `bin/opal` with Opal (#2326)

### Fixed

- Fix defining multiple methods with the same block (#2345)
- Fix coertion for `Array#drop` (#2371)
- Fix coertion for `File.absolute_path` (#2372)
- Fix some `IO#puts` edge cases (no args, empty array, nested array, …) (#2372)
- Preserve UNC path prefix on File.join (#2366)
- Methods on `Kernel`, `BasicObject`, `Boolean` will never return boxed values anymore (#2293)
   - `false.tap{}` will now correctly return a JS value of `false`, not `Object(false)`
- opal-parser doesn't break on `<<~END` strings anymore (#2364)
- Fix error reporting at the early stage of loading (#2326)

### Changed

- Various outputted code size optimizations - 19% improvement for minified unmangled AsciiDoctor bundle - see: Optimizing Opal output for size (#2356)
- Second round of code size optimizations - 3% improvement for AsciiDoctor bundle on top of the first round - 23% total - see: Second batch of generated code optimization by hmdne · Pull Request #2365 · opal/opal · GitHub (#2365)
   - The calls to `==`, `!=` and `===` changed their semantics slightly: it's impossible to monkey patch those calls for `String` and `Number`, but on other classes they can now return `nil` and it will be handled correctly
   - The calls to `!` changed their semantics slightly: it's impossible to monkey patch this call for `Boolean` or `NilClass`.
- Refactored the structure of the internal `stdlib/nodejs` folder (#2374)
   - Added `nodejs/base` with just I/O, exit, and ARGV management
   - Moved `Process::Status` to corelib
   - Fixed requires to be more robust

### Removed

- Removed `nodejs/irb` from stdlib as it's been broken for some time (#2374)
- Removed `Kernel#node_require` from `nodejs/kernel` as it's been deprecated for a long time (#2374)