Just letting anyone within driving distance of the greater new haven
area in connecticut that our monthly meeting will be on Wednesday,
2006.02.08 at Innovation Software in North Haven, CT
This month, Al Gordon will be doing a newbie friendly presentation on
YAML from 6:30 to 7ish, and then we will be pairing up and tackling a
Ruby Quiz. Polls are open, so if you're planning to come, feel free
to vote for which quiz you would like to work on.
You can find general information about our group at http://newhavenrubyists.org
Information such as the polls, RSVP, and driving directions for this
meeting can be found at:
And finally, if you have questions, feel free to hop over to our
google group, happily redirected from http://talk.newhavenrubyists.org
Hope to see you there!