midilib is a pure Ruby MIDI library useful for reading and writing standard
MIDI files and manipulating MIDI event data. Classes include MIDI::Sequence,
MIDI::Track, MIDI::Event, and MIDI::IO::MIDIFile and its subclasses
MIDI::IO::SeqReader and MIDI::IO::SeqWriter.
The latest version of midilib can be found on the midilib Web site
(http://midilib.rubyforge.org). The midilib RubyForge project page is
http://rubyforge.org/projects/midilib. midilib is also available as a RubyGem.
==== Changes for 0.8.3:
* Added MIDI::NoteEvent.note_to_s, which returns note name as a string like
"C4" or "F#6".
* Added new boolean attributes to MIDI::Event: @print_decimal_numbers and
@print_note_names. These are used by all Event to_s methods. See
examples/seq2text.rb for an example.
Jim Menard, jimm@io.com, http://www.io.com/~jimm/
"This looks like a job for Legal Tender!" -- The Tick