midilib is a pure Ruby MIDI library useful for reading and writing standard
MIDI files and manipulating MIDI event data.
The latest version of midilib (0.8.2) can be found on the midilib Web site
(http://midilib.rubyforge.org/). The midilib RubyForge project page is
midilib is also available as a RubyGem.
==== Changes for 0.8.2:
* Changed MIDI::MetaEvent.type to MIDI::MetaEvent.event_type to avoid
runtime complaints about Object#type calls.
* Added 'b' binary flag to file open modes for Windows.
* Fixed $LOAD_PATH in example files.
* Fixed read and write block arguments.
* Fixed other example script bugs.
==== Changes for 0.8.1:
* Fixed track sorting.
* Fixed track's recalc_delta_from_times method.
* Fixed event quantization.
* More tests and documentation.
Jim Menard, jimm@io.com, http://www.io.com/~jimm/
"Cheat sheet for the 21st century: Closed, bad. Open, good." -- Wired