[ANN] mechanize 2.2 Released

* http://mechanize.rubyforge.org
* http://github.com/tenderlove/mechanize/tree/master

The Mechanize library is used for automating interaction with websites.
Mechanize automatically stores and sends cookies, follows redirects,
can follow links, and submit forms. Form fields can be populated and
submitted. Mechanize also keeps track of the sites that you have visited as
a history.

=== 2.2 / 2012-02-12

* API changes
  * MetaRefresh#href is not normalized to an absolute URL, but set to the
    original value and resolved later. It is even set to nil when the
    Refresh URL is unspecified or empty.

* Minor enhancements
  * Expose ssl_version from net-http-persistent. Patch by astera.
  * SSL parameters and proxy may now be set at any time. Issue #194 by
  * Improved Mechanize::Page with #image_with and #images_with and
    Mechanize::Page::Image various img element attribute accessors, #caption,
    #extname, #mime_type and #fetch. Pull request #173 by kitamomonga
  * Added MIME type parsing for content-types in Mechanize::PluggableParser
    for fine-grained parser choices. Parsers will be chosen based on exact
    match, simplified type or media type in that order. See
  * Added Mechanize#download which downloads a response body to an IO-like or
  * Added Mechanize::DirectorySaver which saves responses in a single
    directory. Issue #187 by yoshie902a.
  * Added Mechanize::Page::Link#noreferrer?
  * The documentation for Mechanize::Page#search and #at now show that both
    XPath and CSS expressions are allowed. Issue #199 by Shane Becker.

* Bug fixes
  * Fixed handling of a HEAD request with Accept-Encoding: gzip. Issue #198
    by Oleg Dashevskii
  * Use #resolve for resolving a Location header value. fixes #197
  * A Refresh value can have whitespaces around the semicolon and equal sign.
  * MetaRefresh#click no longer sends out Referer.
  * A link with an empty href is now resolved correctly where previously the
    query part was dropped.