[ANN] mechanize 2.5 Released

mechanize version 2.5 has been released!

* http://mechanize.rubyforge.org
* https://github.com/tenderlove/mechanize

The Mechanize library is used for automating interaction with websites.
Mechanize automatically stores and sends cookies, follows redirects,
and can follow links and submit forms. Form fields can be populated and
submitted. Mechanize also keeps track of the sites that you have visited as
a history.

=== Changes

* Minor enhancement
  * Added Mechanize#ignore_bad_chunking for working around servers that don't
    terminate chunked transfer-encoding properly. Enabling this may cause
    data loss. Issue #116
  * Removed content-type check from Mechanize::Page allowing forced parsing
    of incorrect or missing content-types. Issue #221 by GarthSnyder
* Bug fixes
  * Fixed typos in EXAMPLES and GUIDES. Pull Request #213 by Erkan Yilmaz.
  * Fixed handling of a quoted content-disposition size. Pull Request #220 by
    Jason Rust
  * Mechanize now ignores a missing gzip footer like browsers do. Issue #224
    by afhbl
  * Mechanize handles saving of files with the same name better now. Pull
    Request #223 by Godfrey Chan, Issue #219 by Jon Hart
  * Mechanize now sends headers across redirects. Issue #215 by Chris Gahan
  * Mechanize now raises Mechanize::ResponseReadError when the server does not
    terminate chunked transfer-encoding properly. Issue #116
  * Mechanize no longer raises an exception when multiple identical
    radiobuttons are checked. Issue #214 by Matthias Guenther
  * Fixed documentation for pre_connect_hooks and post_connect_hooks. Issue
    #226 by Robert Poor
  * Worked around ruby 1.8 run with -Ku and ISO-8859-1 encoded characters in
    URIs. Issue #228 by Stanislav O.Pogrebnyak