[ANN] mcbean 0.4.0 Released

mcbean version 0.4.0 has been released!

* http://github.com/flavorjones/mcbean
* http://mcbean.heroku.com/doc/index.html (rdocs)
* http://mcbean.heroku.com (live demo!)

McBean can convert documents from one format to another. McBean currently

* Markdown (a subset)
* Textile (a subset)
* Creole (a subset)

with the help of Loofah, Nokogiri, RDiscount, RedCloth and Creole.

"You can't teach a Sneetch." -- Sylvester McMonkey McBean

== Changes

## 0.4.0 (2010-09-30)


* Support for Creole (a wiki format)

== Features

* Transforms HTML into Markdown
* Transforms HTML into Textile
* Transforms HTML into Creole
* Textile <-> Markdown, Textile <-> Creole, Creole <-> Markdown (thanks to
RDiscount, RedCloth and Creole)
* Emitted HTML is sanitized (thanks to Loofah).
* Fancy-pants command line utility, "mcbean".

== Problems

* Only supports a limited subset of Markdown, Textile and Creole. Patches

== Synopsis

=== Short version

To convert HTML into Markdown, for example:


Or get fancy and convert Textile into Markdown:


=== Longer version

Create a McBean from your string, using the appropriate constructor:

  mcbean = McBean.fragment your_html_fragment
  mcbean = McBean.document your_html_document
  mcbean = McBean.markdown your_markdown
  mcbean = McBean.textile your_textile
  mcbean = McBean.creole your_creole

And then generate the desired markup format:


=== Command Line

Also, +mcbean+ provides a command-line utility installed into your gem path:

  $ mcbean --html="
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sneetches_and_Other_Stories" --to-markdown
  $ mcbean --markdown="treetop-1.4.2/doc/grammar_composition.markdown"

You can try out McBean at the live demo site: http://mcbean.heroku.com