Hi all,
The next London Ruby User Group meeting will be on Monday, 14th May, 2007
from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at our usual venue:
Skills Matter,
1 Sekeforde Street,
Closest tube station: Farringdon
This month we have the following selection of crunchy ruby treats:
1. A talk about OpenID and ruby by Dan Webb
2. Another piece of code review (get on our mailing list [1] before the
meeting to get a preview of the code)
3. Some time for volunteer mentors to be matched up with beginners who want
a mentor in ruby or rails
4. Afterwards we'll head to The Crown Tavern [2] for a few beers and a chat.
NOTE: If you are coming, or are just thinking about it, please register with
our hosts Skills Matter on their LRUG page [3] so that they can gauge
numbers and give us the best room and seating.
A slightly more verbose version of the above is available on the LRUG
website [4].
See you there,
[1] http://lists.lrug.org/listinfo.cgi/chat-lrug.org
[2] http://fancyapint.com/pubs/pub199.html
[3] http://skillsmatter.com/lrug
[4] http://lrug.org/meetings/2007/05/06/may-2007-meeting/